Chapter 10

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(*How about I don't tell you what they did! OHHHH twist! :P )

~*Austin's P.O.V~*

It had been a month since I asked Lucy to be my girlfriend and we were still going strong. She met my mom and had dinner with us, and I met her mom and her fiancé. Lucy wasn't really that happy about her mom getting married again, but I guess I cheered her up enough to get her mind off of it. The last day of school was next week and Lucy had 2 more games to cheer at. After tonight, she would only have 1 more to cheer at. I went to all the practices I could, and I made it to all of her games, but I was busy doing Ustreams and sending stuff out to my Mahomies. I loved Lucy more than anything, but I still had to stay dedicated to my fans. She understood because she was just amazing like that.


Lucy looked absolutely amazing in her cheer uniform. Everything she did looked perfect. It didn't seem like she was capable of making a mistake.

I was sitting on the bleachers with a couple of friends that I had made and Alex. A few guys that were sitting behind us were talking about how she looks "so sexy" and how they wanted to "play 7 minutes in heaven" with her. It pissed me off because everyone knew that she had a boyfriend but they still said things like that. Alex told me that I should just ignore them because they had no chance with a girl like Lucy anyway. That was difficult for me to do, but Alex was right. Lucy was too good for the, and always would be.

The game was about to end and so the girls did their last cheer and gave the team enough spirit to win the game. Of course, I think that if it weren't for Lucy, we wouldn't have won.

Everyone started to run onto the court and I just chilled out for a second and waited for the crowd to pass. The boys that were talking about Lucy ran straight to her and started talking to her and giving her high fives and trying to hug her and stuff. I could tell she was uncomfortable with the situation, but being a cheerleader, she couldn't just send them away. One of the guys smacked her butt and that really pissed me off. Before I knew it, I was down on the court next to Lucy holding her hand. The boys backed off a little but not by much. They just kind of pretended I wasn't there. When one of the guys asked Lucy if he could have her number that's when I really got mad.

"Bro, do you NOT see me right here? Stop hitting on my girlfriend!"

He kind of paused and just said "O-oh. Sorry, man. You gotta good one. You better keep her around or someone else will."

"I swear to god, if you-" Lucy cut me off with a kiss.

"Baby, it's okay." She smiled at me and then kissed my cheek. "You have me, don't worry." That made me smile.

I smirked at the boy who I so desperately wanted to punch and he walked away. Lucy laughed at me and I just let her. If only she knew how perfect she is, I thought to myself, then she'd realize why I get so jealous.

After Lucy had finished saying her goodbyes to everyone and doing what she was supposed to do with her squad, we started to walk home. She was going to call her mom and ask her to pick us up, but I wanted an excuse to hold her hand for longer.

"Baby you are so funny." Lucy giggled to herself and shook her head at the ground.

"How?" I looked at her.

"Just when you get jealous. It's cute."

I felt myself blush. "Thanks.

We walked home, still holding hands, and didn't say anything. We didn't need to. Holding Lucy's hand made me so happy. Words really can't even describe how amazing I felt when I was with her. I always felt like I could do anything. She made me happy. Lucy and I got to her house way too fast.

"Thanks for walking me home." Lucy said when we got to her front porch.

"Anytime, gorgeous."

She smiled at me and kissed me. It was really cute when she kissed me because she had to get on her toes to reach my lips. Lucy started to pull away but I grabbed her hips and pulled her closer. I couldn't get enough of her soft lips. She wrapped her arms around my neck and we moved our lips in sync. Yeah, I realize that we were young but it doesn't matter. I loved her and that's all there was to it.

Lucy pulled her lips off of mine but didn't let go of my neck and I didn't let go of her hips. She looked down and then into my eyes. "I love you Austin." She whispered.

I picked her up and wrapped her legs around my waist and kissed her. I only held her like that for a few seconds because her mom was home and  I didn't want to get her in trouble. "I love you, too Lucy."

"Really?" She looked in my eyes with her innocent blue ones.

"Yes! I love you so much. And I will remind you every day."

She smiled and looked at the ground. "Thank you." She looked up at her window and said "I should go in now. Thanks again for walking me home."

"Of course. Text me when you wake up?" She nodded. "GoodNight gorgeous."

Lucy went inside and shut the door quietly. I walked home with a huge smile on my face.

She loves me too!

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