Chapter 2

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"Why are you so excited?" Austin looked at me confused while we walked to the classroom.

"I just really like English." I kinda chuckled and looked at him. "I'm good at it."

"Ug, you're lucky. I suck at all school subjects."

"Nah, I bet that's not true. What about lunch, huh?"

He stuck his tongue out at me. "Okay, I'm pretty good at lunch! And P.E."

"Seeeeee?" We got to the classroom. "Okay, this is it. You can sit next to me or wherever you want. It's all good."

"I think I'll just sit next to you..." He blushed and looked at his shoes.

"Okay, sounds good!"

We walked into the class and everyone looked up. We weren't late, in fact, we had 2 minutes before class started, but they still looked at us like we had murdered 5 people. I just continued walking to my seat, which was next my best friend Kristin.

"Who is he?!" Kristin whispered to me as she stared at Austin.

"That's Austin. He's new. I'm showing him around for today. Possibly for the week."

"HOW do you always get put with the hot guys?! It's not fair, Luc. Not. At. All."

"Oh shush. Yeah, he's cute and that is so not true!"

"Whatevaaaa" she stuck her tongue out at me when the bell rang.

Mr. Renders came in and noticed Austin. He did what he always does with a new student- ignores them. English went by really quickly and smoothly. Maybe it was because I enjoyed it. I dunno. The bell rang and we all headed to lunch. Austin was next to me, walking rather close.

"I just have to put some things in my locker. Give me a sec. Kay?"

Austin nodded, and followed me to my locker. "No way!" I looked at him confused. "Your locker and my locker are right next to each other."

"That's cool!" I smiled at him and put my things in my locker.

"So, lunch now, right?"

"Yeah. Then I have P.E. So, you do too!"

"Oh good." He looked relieved.

We went to lunch and Austin sat with me and all of my friends. They talked to him and he talked back. He seemed comfortable with us, which was nice. He smiled a lot and I liked that too. His smile was really nice. Girls that hadn't ever talked to us before sat down with us, too. I knew why, too. They wanted to talk to Austin. No surprise there! Austin really was cute, but I didn't know like, anything about him. I just knew his name. And not even his full name. Well, I'm sure that I would find out more.


"Time for P.E. Austin! Are you ready for this?"

"I think so... What are we doing?"


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