Chapter 10: Egos Collide

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                                                                      "Tempers Flare!"

"Good morning Barbarius."

Barbarius walked right past Apollus.

He cleared his throat. "I suppose your voyage with unlettered men made you more uncouth," Apollus muttered. Barbarius picked up his stride at a brisker pace. Apollus let out a loud sigh before continuing. "Let us make peace shall we. It does us no good ignoring each other if we are under the same roof. Let me start over. I was not very friendly towards you earlier." Barbarius stopped in his tracks before pivoting around. His coal-black eyes burned into the greenish brown orbs staring at him.

"What do you say Barbarius to the proposal that we clear the air between us? We are brothers right? We can be polite towards one another," Apollus offered with a weak grin.

"So you decided to play nice today?" Barbarius asked. "Really, what are you up to?"

"Nothing. You do not believe I can be nice," Apollus said, plastering a grin.

"I believe you can "pretend" to be nice. But let us be real and truthfully I do not believe the acting," he snapped.

"I am trying to make things right and you are being resistant to my efforts," Apollus retorted.

"Try apologizing for treating me rudely and putting the light on me at dinner to make me look bad. Admit that you hate the fact that the attention is not always on you. Maybe, just maybe we will get somewhere and I will actually believe your efforts are sincere."

"All right then! I admit it. I am sorry about the way I acted. Is that what you wanted to hear?" Barbarius replied with a grunt. "I should not have felt threatened by you, but father as well as everyone deserved to know the truth."

"Very well. Apology accepted. I doubted for a moment you would actually admit your error. We do not have to be friends after all; just brothers."

"Well both of us can agree we added to the tension. Truce?"

"Truce," Barbarius grumbled.

"Well, I forgot to say it earlier but welcome back." Barbarius just stood there stiffly. After staring at each other, Apollus initiated a hug with Barbarius following suit in stiff arm movements.

"As king maybe you can be my assistant," Apollus whispered as they hugged.

"Will see about that," Barbarius said coolly. "I am willing to play nice for as long as you want to play nice."

"As long as we are not trying to kill each other this will work," he said with a smirk.

Everybody was seated on plush couches around the square tables for breakfast. Father though seemed to be in a hurry to finish his bread.

"I wish you could stay with us a little longer father," I said, sighing.

He wiped his mouth. "I know. I have a lot of important things occupying my mind like running an island nation. Until this investigation is over, I will have another load that I must carry," he said briskly. "The council meeting should be starting soon, and I want you two to come with me," he said pointing to Apollus and Barbarius.

"What about me?" I asked.

"You still have your tutoring session with Anias remember? He will be coming shortly. But when the time comes, I may need you to testify what you know at the courts. That is when you have no need to hold back."

"We may have a dreamer in our midst," grandfather said with a glint in his eyes. "I believe everyone has a gift, which makes us special."

"If everyone had gifts then nobody would be special. That does not make sense grandfather," Apollus said, laughing.

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