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Katniss and the Rebels

Chapter 16: Jealousy?

AN: So this chapter we see more of Katniss and Thom's friendship AND more importantly we see Peeta and Katniss getting very, very close indeed (see you have to read just for that)

Katniss is still not pleased about the whole debacle the day before and well I'm not sure I'd be too happy walking in on my two best friends all over each other.

The left her out of the fashion show! She must be feeling very left out ;) Ok so maybe that's not it.

I'm going to shush now.

So you lot! My gorgeous, fantabulous readers! Go ahead and read and when you are finished reading follow and favourite if you haven't all ready.

But most importantly! Please comment! Because it does help me right faster if you guys comment what ye think and your ideas :) or you could PM me with them I don't mind. I would love it.

Katniss POV

I am not jealous.

I do not GET jealous.

Especially not about my two best friends spending time together.....alone.

How dare Thom suggest I am jealous of Gale Hawthorne and Madge Undersee!

Like I care who either of them goes out with.

And they aren't even going out anyway!

Not that I would care if they were.

No! I am in this, mood as Thom so delicately described it, because of Paul! Because Gale disregarded my warning to keep quiet for the sake of our neighbours and blared out loud music. It wasn't even good music!

Add on to the fact that Madge Undersee (of all people!) thinks I am unfit to look after my sibling and the Hawthorne kids is it any wonder I'm not in the best form today?

Posy does not need fancy, posh, townie clothes that scream 'Mayor's daughter'.

And Gale accepted them!

Gale! Of all people!

Gale wouldn't even accept a biscuit off Madge last week and now he is accepting clothes off her!

Not only clothes but toys and teddies and all sorts!

What does our family look like? A charity case?


I mean who does that townie think she is?

Coming in to MY house saying she will help look after Posy then trying to butter Gale up by giving him stuff for Posy.

Ugh it makes me sick.

And Gale?

Madge has never shown any interest in Gale.

Why would she like Gale?


Sure he is good looking.

He is very good looking

Not that I am looking but anyone can see that he isn't exactly ugly.

But anyway Gale hates townies and she knows that.

Everybody in the district knows that!

They've never liked each other before!

I mean they barely know each other, she can't just worm her way into his...well let's not go there

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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