Mothers and Text Messages

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Katniss and the Rebels

Chapter 12: Mothers and Text Messages

Peeta POV

I sigh as I open the door to the bakery. Thank God school is over for the week. I mean don't get me wrong Finnick is a great friend but he is useless when it comes to Annie Cresta. Though when I said that to him he burst out laughing and said I was the same except 10 times worse with Katniss. He may have been right but I wasn't going to tell him that.

Dad is working behind the counter today. He looks tired and the look on his face is one I recognize as I see it so often. He and mum have fought again. Or most likely my mother yelling about something and my dad just agreeing to it. He looks up when the bell goes off as I enter. I shut the door and he smiles at me.

"Hi Peeta, how was your day?" I can tell that he is exhausted but he still smiles at me.

I shrug and push my bag under the table near the entrance.

"It was ok kind of boring. Finnick has messed up with Annie again so he was asking me to help him. I don't know why he asked me though but I gave it a try any way." I tell him leaning against the table.

He smiles tiredly "You are a good friend Peeta."

"Em, thanks." I say narrowing my eyes. Something doesn't seem right. Dad seems on edge and I can't help but think that it has something to do with my mother, something bad.

So being the idiot I am I ask him about her.

"Is mum home?" His smile vanishes immediately. He tries to resurrect it but fails miserably.

"Peeta, your mother-"

"Peeta Jonathan Mellark! Well it is about time you got home. Wait until I get my hands on you!"

I shut my eyes tightly. I can hear her thundering down the stairs with somebody chasing her and by the time she has reached the bottom and come through the door I have opened them.

Her face reads of anger, disgust and pure hatred. A sight I have gotten used to over the years. She glares at me, her hands in fists, nails digging into her skin I'm sure. But she doesn't seem to care her gaze is fixed on me.

Bran rushes through the door and almost crashes into her. I guess that he was the one chasing her. I take my eyes off my mother for a second and take in his appearance. He looks terrified and worried. Not for himself though but for me. I can tell he wants to tell her, or me I'm not sure, something but thinks better of it and he looks down at his feet ashamed.

What is going on?

After what seems like an hour she finally speaks.

"Is it true?" She asks me with a deadly tone. Again I look at my dad who looks away and then to Bran who lifts his head and meets my eyes. He looks nervous, apologetic and even guilty.

"Don't you look away from me young man! Now you answer me at once. Is. It. True!"

I dare myself to look at her and answer.

"Is what true mother?"

"Oh don't you play the innocent act with me! You know what you have done! Put shame on our family just like you have all ways done! Going behind my back and brining a common Seam slut into our home, my home, while I was away! I bet you think that I would never find out well guess what you are going to pay for it."

I close my eyes because I refuse to let her know how this makes me feel. Though I know she knows all ready. It is obvious what she is referring to. Me brining Katniss over to work on our project though I doubt she knows about the project bit. All she probably heard was Katniss being in 'her' house and she must have exploded.

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