The Hob

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Katniss and the Rebels

Chapter 5: The Hob

AN: I hope you like this chapter this has the first performance by The Rebels in it but no Peeta (aw!) but here we see Sae, Haymitch! And Darius :D yeah I love Darius so sad that they aren't putting him in catching fire :'(

This chapter is set the day after the first four chapters.

Katniss POV

"Everdeen! Its about time! You are late!" I roll my eyes and drop my over the shoulder bag and coat in the staff closet and shut the door.

"Actually Abernathy, I am early."

Haymitch Abernathy takes a gulp from his bottle of lager and glares at me before he yells over his shoulder,

"Sae! Sweetheart's here and she's givin' me lip again would ya do somethin' 'bout it!"

I frown, grab my apron and am tying it around my waist when Sae comes out from the kitchens.

"Haymitch Abernathy! You will give the poor girl a break! We both know that without her we would be out of business years ago! Now be quiet or I shall order Ripper to stop you supply of alcohol for a month!"

Sae yells, pointing her finger at Haymitch who slumps and mumbles an apology before walking away, sulking.

Sae turns to me, smiling, "Hello Katniss. Your early! Are you and the guys still on for playing tonight?"

I nod and smile back at her.

I have always felt close to Sae.

She has all ways been more of a mum to me than my own mother ever has been.

"Yeah we wrote this one years ago. It isn't our best but eh we decided to play it for the fun of it. The guys will be coming in later but I had already dropped Prim and Gale's so I thought I might as well come here. Is that all right?"

"Of course it is dear! Cray left a little while ago so you came just in time. Would you clean those tables over there by the windows for me please?"

"Yeah of course no problem Sae."

I quickly clean the tables and am soon taking orders and chatting to the regulars.

It is busy today then again the Hob is busy every day.

The Hob is the main place to eat in the Seam. It is quite handy as it is in the centre of the Seam and is easy to find.

An hour or so later when I am cleaning down the bar I hear a voice calling me.

"Hey Katniss" I look up and smile

"Oh hi Leevy!" I say standing up. Leevy is a girl from my year at school and she started working in the Hob last year.

We get along well as we usually have the same shifts so we talk often.

"So how was your day Katniss?" Leevy asks as she opens the staff closet and grabs her apron

"Ah it was ok, Tuesdays are rather boring for me...well every school day is usually" I say truthfully and Leevy laughs, "How about you?"

"Ah it was all right. I didn't fall asleep in geography so I am extremely proud of that." Leevy says grinning as she ties her apron and I laugh.

"Hey at least you don't have Ms. Trinket for anything." I tell her as I finish up cleaning the bar.

"You have her again this year? God, what for?" She looks at me with pity.

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