Fashion and Fury

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Katniss and the Rebels

Chapter 15: Fashion and Fury

Gale POV

Madge didn't arrive until half an hour after the phone call.

During that time I had somehow managed to drag Vick downstairs and got him to clean the dishes from lunch. I had convinced Posy to go back to her colouring book and had checked on Rory and Prim several times to make sure they weren't making out...I think they are aware of what I'm doing but hey, you can't be too careful!

After what seems like ages the doorbell finally rings.

Posy jumps up from her seat and rushes to open the door squealing, "I'll get it, I'll get it." I vaguely remember a time where I used to do that. Desperately hoping that it was Mr. Everdeen and that Katniss was with him.

I follow Posy and see her trying to reach the latch that opens the door even though it is way above her reach. I grin and lift her up high so she can reach it. She giggles and opens the door revealing a smiling Madge Undersee carrying two shopping bags.

"Madgey!" Posey exclaims reaching forward and almost following out of my arms in her attempt to hug Madge.

"Heya Pose" Madge hugs her gently smiling at me before giving her back to me and I let her down.

"Thanks for coming." I tell her awkwardly after she comes in and shuts the door.

"Hey it is no problem I wasn't doing anything anyway, you gave me an excuse to not do my homework for which I am grateful."

"Madge Undersee not wanting to do her homework!?" I exclaim dramatically

"Shush don't tell anyone"

We make our way into Katniss's kitchen and she puts her shopping bags on a chair.

"Sorry I am late. I had to get stuff, I know you said not to bring anything but I had all these clothes and things from when I was Posy's age that I never got rid of and well I'm not going to use them right? So I thought I'd give them to Posy if she would like them that is." She tells me nervously and I try not to look as shocked as I really am.

It is extremely rare in which anyone gives Katniss and me anything that's not for trade. I look at Madge who is watching me nervously and wringing her hands.

"Here how about I show you them first. I understand if you don't want them because well....anyway here they are."

One by one she takes out dresses, tops, jeans, shoes, hair...stuff as well as teddies and toys. The clothes aren't in perfect condition but are much better than Posy's current clothes. They all look like they would fit her as well.

I am now officially speechless

"I don't know why I never thought of it before to be honest"

I don't even let her finish her sentence, "Thank you"

She looks up and smiles wide, "Gale really I am glad to do this. And it was no trouble you will be doing me a big favour taking all this off me. There will be loads of space now for me to fill with stuff"

I laugh, "Yeah true."

"So where has Posy gotten to?"

"I'm here!" Posy squeals running in to the kitchen.

"I went to get you my picture I drew for you Madge!" Posy hands her the picture and Madge bends down and takes it and grins.

"This is amazing Posy. Did you draw this?" Posy nods enthusiastically

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