A Surprise and a Jerk

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Katniss and the Rebels

Chapter 11: A Surprise and a Jerk

AN: This chapter reveals where Gale was dun dun dun!

This chapter is in both Katniss and Peeta's POV.

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Katniss POV

"Somebody needs to tell them teachers to lay off and I may be the one to do it"

Thom and I look up from our lunches and see Darius sit down beside me.

"Well off you go then" Thom says smirking

"I will you know, one of these days I will tell them evil teachers to stop giving us so much homework and tests. I have found out why they give us so much and I don't like it!"

""Interesting," I say sarcastically "And what is the reason?"

"To punish us! Teachers went through hell when they were in school back in the Stone Age or something so they have unanimously decided to inflict the same pain onto us!" I raise my eyebrows.

Thom and I have tried to stop Gale and Darius complaining about school and work as it could be a lot worse but even though they agree they still complain, so Thom and I just gave up.

"We just had double with Snow and then Trinkie and we have her again after lunch. That mean countless hours of homework and studying over the weekend. Just brilliant." Gale says sarcastically as he takes a seat beside Thom.

"A double with Snow? And then a class with Trinket? That would drive anyone insane" Thom says understandingly

"You, cannot say that. You do not have Ms. Trinket for anything. You do not understand the pain and torture that we go through. Every. Day" I tell him, pointing my fork at him.

"Yeah I know and I do feel for you. But I wouldn't trade places with you and anyway I still have Snow"

"True anyway more importantly," I turn to Darius and Gale "Where were you two at lunch yesterday?"

"You know Katniss, I don't have to let you know where I am every second of the day." Darius says, lifting half of his lips in a smirk, again.

"Darius you can just tell us that you were with a girl. You always are with a girl anyway" Thom shrugs and Darius looks at him annoyed,

"I wasn't with a girl actually Thom"

"Darius it's ok. You can tell us where you were. What's wrong?" I ask worriedly

"Nothing's wrong Kat...thanks though. Look my geography teacher called me back after class and I had to... talk with her"

We all stare at him in astonishment.

"No! God no, not like that! Right fine I am failing geography. I have been failing for years and she just wanted to talk to me about it. That's all"

We relax, well except for Darius who just looks uncomfortable.

"Why did she want to talk about that though? It is only September. We have ages to worry about exams and all that" As you can see Gale obviously cares about education (not).

"Gale, shush! Dare I am pretty good at geography. I'll help you with it if you want" Thom offers.

"Thanks Thom. Now onto more important conversation. Where were you yesterday Gale?" Darius asks suggestively raising his eyebrows

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