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Katniss and the Rebels

Chapter 4: Talks

AN: Hi everybody!

Ok so this is the fourth chapter and in it we have: Gale, Peeta and Mr. Mellark.

I hope you enjoy it

Katniss POV

Finally! After what seems like forever the bell signalling that it is finally lunch rings loud throughout the hallways and everybody quickly packs away their belongings and rushes out the door.

Gale is outside the door of my classroom when I walk out. We haven't been back to school a month yet and he all ready knows my timetable off by heart.

"Hey Galey what are you doing here?" I ask him.

I am not objecting to speaking with him but he rarely ever meets me straight after class we usually meet up in the cafeteria or outside.

"Nice to see you too Catnip, I'm just here to say that I have to go to talk to Mr. Crane at lunch so I was going to ask if you want to come round after school, learn Vick's new dance move." Gale says, winking at me as we walk to my locker.

I grow nervous, I have a fair idea how Gale will react when I inform him who my project partner is and it isn't a good reaction.

"Oh sorry Gale I can't come over please apologize to Vick for me. I have to do this project for Home Ec. and I need to work on it after school today with my partner."

"Oh right, ok." Gale is never very interested in anything to do with school stuff and Home Economics isn't exactly Gale's thing.

"So..." Dammit "Who is your partner?"

"A person, nobody important." I say quickly.

Yes ok I'm being stupid you don't need to tell me!

Gale laughs, "Well I didn't think you were partnered with an alien Catnip but then again in Ms. Trinket's class anything is possible. So come on who is it? Its not one of the Careers is it?"

I silently pray that Gale won't over-react,

"My partner is Peeta Mellark."

Gale freezes and stops in his tracks.

I stop walking and turn to look at him.

"Gale?" I ask gently, "You all right?"

Gale remains silent and continues staring at me, his face expressionless.

"So you are grand with me working with him then? Great! well I am going to go to my locker now! You have an enjoyable conversation with Mr. Crane and I shall speak to you soon. Bye!"

I sprint to my locker, opening it and getting my books until suddenly my locker is slammed shut.

I jump in shock and unsurprisingly Gale is standing over me, his hand placed on my locker door and he is looking down at me with hardened eyes.

I sigh and attempt to think of something to say

"Look...Gale it is no big deal. It is a dumb school project that will be over with in a few weeks."

"Yeah a project that you will be working on with Peeta Mellark. Not just any old townie, a Mellark!" Gale yells at me, a group of freshmen stare at us but Gale's glare quickly has them running for their lives.

"Gale please calm down. Peeta isn't that bad! I can handle him! We both know that I have dealt with far worse than Peeta Mellark."

I zip up my bag and walk away from him as fast as I can but I soon hear the sound of him follow me.

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