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Minghao's POV.

We got to school and everything felt so different.

Junhui and I were now in a relationship, so that means we're gay and everyone has been looking at us weirdly. Plus I'm in a wheelchair, I only use it when we go out places.

Junhui and I walked into our first class and everyone started to whisper.

"I heard that they're together"

"When did that happen"

"I don't know but they aren't going to be accepted for a while"

My head hung low and I almost started crying.

"Hey, if you're trying to keep something to yourselves you might want to speak a little quieter, cause I can hear you" Junhui said and he brightened me up.

We sat down, well he did, I'm already sitting and got to work.

Every class was the same, constant murmurs about what happened to me, and Junhui and I being gay and all. It's really started to become annoying.

Finally the bell rang and we got to go to lunch. Junhui got up and we had to use the elevator to get down to the cafeteria.

We got in and I watched the doors close."Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah I guess, it just feels weird with everyone staring at us weirdly"

"It'll die down in a few weeks don't worry"

I nodded and he kissed me quickly on the lips before the doors opened.

Lunch was ok, I couldn't really do anything with Jun because we would most likely get bullied when I get better. Which should be in exactly 2 weeks.

Two and a half weeks later

I've been off my cast for a while and have gotten used to being back on 2 feet.

People still aren't accepting us, and its getting quite annoying.

Jun was sick today which wasn't a good sign, that means I'll be in every class alone today (friendless) except for chorus, because we all like to sing really well.

Then my mind started to wonder.

Hmmm, what if we made a boy group. I mean we live in Korea and they pump out boy bands like crazy. I mean Jun and I can dance really well since we both took some lessons.

Eh, I might just be going crazy.

I was on my way to math when I was shoved against a locker. Great here comes the bullying.

They started calling me names and kicking me until S.Coups came to save me.

"OMO are you okay?????"

"Yeah I'll be fine, I was on crutches for like ever so I'm used to the pain."

He looked at me with a sad face.

"I should go to my class, I'll be fine on my own"

"Ok, besides I think i need to get back to Ji- um I mean my class, my teacher would be mad if I was late"

Wait was he about to say Jihoon?

"To who?" I said teasingly.

"No one, bye" he replied and ran to class.

I laughed and quickly ran off to my own class.

Soon enough lunch came and I went to sit with everyone after getting the lunch that I packed earlier.

It was pretty boring like the rest of the day.

Finally class ended and I got to leave school. Then I saw him again.

He came over and started to beat me up again. What did I do to deserve this.

When I finally escaped I ran as fast as I could. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I didn't care.

Tears started to stream down my face and there was blood all over me.

As soon as I reached the house I slammed the door shut and slid down the back of it sobbing.

"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE" I screamed not caring if anyone heard me.

"Minghao, what's wr-WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED"

I knew it was Junhui and instantly I cried even harder.

"Shh its all going to a be ok, you'll be ok, don't cry. Please tell me what's wrong"

I tried to stop crying and get out some words "th-this guy k-kept h-hurting me throughout the day a-and was calling me names, a-a-and I just can't take it anymore"

"I swear I will-"

"No, don't do anything, I don't want you to get in trouble"

"Ok, but promise me one thing" I nodded my head.

"That you'll never go back to that school again."

"I won't"

"We'll go somewhere else where they'll accept us"

I nodded my head, but kept crying.

"Minghao look at me"

He gently pulled my head up to look me in the eyes.

"You'll be ok, ok?"

I nodded my head again.

"I love you" he said as he hugged me.

"I-I l-love y-y-you t-to" I said between breaths.

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