The day we met

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Minghao's POV.

It was a cold afternoon, it being December and all, and I was just leaving my house to get away from studying for finals. As I walked down the street I started to watch the people around me. The guy that was crossing the street had a very odd hairstyle, I could use no words to explain the way it was shaped on his head. There was a little girl to the left of me that was telling her mom what she wanted for Christmas. My legs started to get tired so I decided to (go sit down on a nearby bench. And all of the sudden I looked left and saw one of my old friends. As I was just sitting down, I quickly jumped up and ran to greet him. I started to call out his name, "Seungkwan, HEY Seungkwan, is that you??"

He glanced my way and yelled, being the diva that he is, "OMO, MINGHAO! I THOUGHT I RECOGNIZED YOUR VOICE, IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU!!!"

After my eardrums were basically popped,and I replied, "Well of course it's me, and could you please stop yelling, I'm pretty sure you just popped my eardrums!"

He laughed and said "it's good too see you too," as he quickly pulled me in for a hug.

We started to talk and then somehow got on to the topic of how I'm studying for finals and don't want to go home. He then suggested that we should go back to his place and that I should meet all of his other friends. Of course I agreed, because I really don't want to go back home to study.

We make it back to his house after a short half hour walk and my cheeks, hands, and toes are now numb from the cold weather. It just started to snow, and then as we're taking off our shoes the snow starts to pick up. We quickly go inside to escape the snow storm, which has now turned into a blizzard.

I decide that I should probably text my mom so she isn't too worried about me. I tell her that I met up with Seungkwan and am going to be at his place until the blizzard dies down. While waiting for my mom's response, I decide to go check the weather on my phone. Unfortunately the blizzard won't be dying down any time soon and that everyone needs to stay indoors if they don't want to get buried by the blizzarding snow. There's probably half a foot of snow by now, and it's only been ten minutes. I'm hoping it'll die down soon. My mom soon replies and says that it's ok if I stay there and to stay indoors and away from the snow because she knows I get sick easily.

Seungkwan then comes up and asks if I'm done and also if I would like to come meet his friends now, and I quickly agree. After all, if I'm friends with Seungkwan then I'll most likely be friends with others that can get along with him well. So I walk into the room and I suddenly see him, his brown eyes staring straight at me.

Junhui's POV.

Today was a bad day as usual. After my dad had died in a brutal car crash, my mom and I weren't as close as we used to be. Now all we do is fight, I used to spend all my time in my room. It wasn't until I met Seungkwan and all his other friends, I realized that I fit in somewhere. I then decided to stay at his place. Once in a while I have to visit my mom to check up on her. Today was one of those days. Once I saw that Seungkwan and most of the other boys weren't at home, I decided that I might as well go check to see how my mom's doing. I went over to my old house and opened the door with my key. Once I saw that my mom wasn't home, I decided to roam around the house to see what changes she has made.

As I was just going upstairs I heard my mom laughing along with another person. I wonder if she's made any friends while I've been away from the past two months. I decide to yell and say that I'm here to check up on her. I quickly hop down the stairs and I could not grasp what I saw right in front of me. My mom was kissing another man. He looked nice, but there was something in is eyes that said otherwise. I stood there frozen and my mom starts to talk.

She starts off "I can explain, it's not-"


She sat there unable to respond to my sudden out burst. She started to open her mouth to explain but I cut her off again.

"Nevermind, I don't want or care to know. I'll just be going now. After all I just came to check up on you, and from what I can see you're doing just fine," I said this while starting to leave.

I left the house and decided I should go back soon because it looks like a blizzard is about to start. As I was walking home listening to music, Seungkwan suddenly texted me saying that he met one of his childhood friends. I decided to go back to the house that all 12 of us share.

When I returned I barely made it in home time, and while I was walking to the couches I heard the main door open. I figured Seungkwan was back, so I decided to lean against the wall and go on my phone while waiting.

Seungkwan soon came in with his new/old friend and I glanced up, and that's when I saw him. His big deep brown eyes staring straight at me.

Ok, so this is my first fan fiction and so far I really like it. I'll try to continue this story for as long as possible. At first this started out as a dream that I had the other night with one of the other members, but I decided to change it up a little. I hope everyone likes this!!!! Also if you comment then I'll probably get back to you in a day or so. Thanks!!!

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