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Ok, so I decided to include some Verkwan so I'm doing this on the side for now because I'm still working on the next chapter with Junhao in it. I hope you like it. This is during New years btw.

Seungkwan's POV

When we got in from wishing Junhui and Minghao a Happy New Year I was literally freezing. It was way too cold out there. 

"You cold?" someone from behind me asked. I turned around to see who it was, even though I already knew it was him. He was standing there looking at me and I saw that he messed his hair up pretty badly when he took his hat off.

"No, I'm freezing. So I'm just going to go upstairs to hide under the covers and attempt to get warm." 

I went over and fixed his hair since it was bothering me.

I don't remember how long I've liked him, but I know that I definitely do and trust him with my life. Even though I won't admit it out loud. It probably started when I first met him when I was in 7th grade. It was right after Minghao had left.


<Minghao had just left to go to the airport. I sadly couldn't see him off because I was at school. Everyone could see me crying when I saw that it was the time for Minghao's plane to take off. 

Everyone was silent and staring at me as if I had just killed someone. It isn't my fault I miss him so much, I thought to myself . 

Suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder. "Hey are you okay? My name's Vernon. Do you want to tell me what's wrong"  I looked up at him and saw that he was worried about me. 

We stared at each other for a few minutes and I finally calmed down to tell him what happened "My best friend had just left for China....I miss him so much....."

I started to pour out more tears, being even louder. He then hugged me. "Shhh, It'll be okay-What's your name again"


"Okay Seungkwan just calm down, everything will be fine>

I smiled remembering that day, I was such a drama queen. But the truth is, when am I not being the diva that I am. 

We then got closer after the day we first met and he quickly became one of my best friends. Then we started to go around the school to find if there were any other kids having problems and that's how we became friends with the other 10 people in our friend group. 

I was walking upstairs when I felt someone hugging my back. "Wow you really are freezing"

"I know, now can I please go to bed so that I won't be frozen anymore?"

"Okay fine"

I walked into our room, got changed and then crawled into bed. I turned on my electric blanket and I warmed up in no time. 

Then Vernon walked in and went into the closet to change (it's basically our dressing room)

He walked out not wearing a shirt and I sat there with my eyes wide and my cheeks burning up. I quickly turned away hoping he didn't notice me staring at him. He then put on a shirt and came over to me. "Um. Can I sleep with you tonight" he asked scratching the back of his neck. I nodded my head in response. 

He got in and he was staring at the ceiling and I was facing away from him. I then turned over to look at him. His eyes were sparkling, his jawline curved perfectly, and then I looked at his lips. Ugh I really wanted to kiss him. 

After looking at him he finally looked back at me. I decided to take a chance and go for it. I leaned in and pressed my lips against his and I sat there waiting for him to kiss me back. It felt like hours before he pressed his lips back onto mine. 

We sat there making out and soon we both needed to pull away for air. We gasped and tried to catch our breath and we just sat there. I then whispered in his ear "We should probably go to bed" He nodded in response and I wrapped my arms around him. 

When I woke up I saw his face in front of mine already staring at me. "Good morning"

I replied "Good morning" and kissed him on the lips. I went to look at the clock to see that it was earlier than I thought it would be and decided to go make breakfast. "Where are you going?"

"To make breakfast, why?" 

"Because I don't want you to leave yet."-Vernon

I decided to grab his hand and pull him downstairs with me, because we needed to eat something.

I pushed him  on the couch and told him to stay there while I made breakfast, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me onto the couch with him.

We both knew what was coming so our lips met halfway. 

"What're you guys doing?" Minghao said as he suddenly barged in on us.

 I suddenly pushed Vernon away from me hoping that Minghao didn't notice what we were doing "Umm.....wrestling...." I replied hoping he didn't notice my cheeks burning up.

"Okay well I'm going out for a while and am plugging my phone in so it can charge. So don't try calling me."

I nodded my head and looked over to see if Vernon did the same but I then saw him staring at me. And everything was awkward between the three of us.

Right after he walked out of the room we were in I pulled Vernon back on the couch again and we started to make out more.

I pulled away. "So I assume that we're dating now"  asked him

"Definitely" He then leaned in for another kiss but I pulled away.

"Vernon I need to make us breakfast and we can't get caught like Minghao caught us. And I know he caught us and most likely took pictures on his phone."

So I went and made us breakfast. While I was cooking he turned my head and quickly kissed my lips."I just wanted to do that one more time" 

I blushed and went back to making breakfast. 

We were just sitting down to eat when Junhui comes barging in "HAVE YOU SEEN MINGHAO??" 

"Yeah, he left earlier, he said he was going out...Oh yeah and don't bother calling him, he left his phone here so it could charge."

"Shoot, what have I done..Do you have any idea where he went" we both shook our heads no "Ugh, well I'll be back later. If Minghao comes back tell him to call me" 

We nodded our heads again and then went back to eating breakfast as soon as he left. 

The other members started to wake up, so we sat there exchanging eye contact throughout the day while the others questioned us. We of course replied "Nothing in particular" And the day went on as it usually does.

Yay, I hope you liked it. I saw that there wasn't really a ton of Verkwan/Boonon so I decided to include them in my story. School was terrible like always so I wasn't even surprised and I had a ton of homework and I have a lot of test this week and Ugh, I hate leaving the internet. Anyways, i hope everyone liked it! Please comment and vote Byee!!

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