Background Knowledge

388 19 7

Not really a new chapter, just stuff that I thought that I should mention because it's in my head and I want to let you guys know every detail.

FYI proposal is at 10 am.


*starts at 7am*

Wonwoo and Mingyu were sleeping peacefully after a long night. They got to bed late after putting their kids to sleep and then decided to cuddle up and watch a movie together. Which isn't something that they can't always do nowadays.

"Daddy daddy wake up" Somin yelled as she came in jumping on her parents bed.

Wonwoo groaned and rolled closer towards Mingyu. "Turn the alarm clock off," he jokingly said and Mingyu smiled as he opened his eyes to look at Wonwoo. Wonwoo opened his eyes and smiled back at Mingyu.

The couple then felt something crawl between them. "Wow, is that a snake that I feel?" Mingyu asked and he heard a giggle from under the covers.

Doojun came popping out from under the covers holding his monkey stuffed animal. He held his arms up as if he was saying tada. "That's not a snake, it's just Doojun!" Somin yelled while Mingyu picked up Doojun.

(Doojun is 3, but isn't much of a talker. Somin is 5 and yells a lot but is shy when she meets new people. Mingyu and Wonwoo adopted them when Doojun was no more than 4 months old)

Somin wrapped her arms around Wonwoo, who willingly held her in his arms."It's a good thing too, or else then we'd have snake in her trying to gobble you up" Wonwoo started to tickle Somin and she started to roll on the bed pleading for Wonwoo to stop while laugh hysterically.

Mingyu was watching them with a smile on his face and Doojun in his arms. "Should we go make breakfast Doojun?" He asked the boy, who nodded his head. "Alright then let's go!" Mingyu got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen with Doojun.

Wonwoo sighed when he finished tickling Somin. When he saw that Mingyu had left the room he decided that he should help Somin get ready for school. "Come on Somin, let's get ready"

Wonwoo got off the bed and Somin held onto his hand on their way to the kids bedroom. "What color do you want to wear today?" Wonwoo asked the girl as he opened up the closet.

Somin sat there for a minute thinking it out "hmmm, how about red!" Wonwoo smiled and pulled out a red shirt with a butterfly on the upper left sleeve for her along with a pair of dark blue jeans. "Is this good..." he asked and she nodded "...then I'll go get Doojun ready" Wonwoo smiled at her before he left the room.

He was making his way downstairs when he felt his phone vibrate. He saw that it was Junhui saying that his plane just landed and replied to him right away. After putting his phone back into his pocket he walked to where Mingyu was in the kitchen.

Mingyu heard him walking on and turned around to smile at him "Good morning babe " Wonwoo smiled back and kissed him on the lips "Morning! Is Doojun ready to get changed? He goes to daycare today!" Doojun put his arms up again and smiled. "I guess that that's a yes then" Mingyu said and handed Doojun to Wonwoo.

"Hey, did you call in that you won't be at work today?" Wonwoo asked while heading upstairs. Mingyu nodded "yeah I made sure to put the best worker in charge today."

"Ok good, we wouldn't want to miss Jun proposing today" Wonwoo said and then headed upstairs back to the kids room. Somin came running out just as Wonwoo was walking in "whoa, are you already ready for school?" she nodded and then kept running downstairs to the kitchen.

Wonwoo quickly got Doojun ready and then went back down to the kitchen. He put Doojun in his highchair and then sat down between Doojun and Somin. Mingyu had just finished up doing Somins hair for her and then went to go wash his hands to serve the food to everyone.

Once the food was on everyone's plates they dug in and ate everything. Wonwoo finished first and then ran up to get changed so that he could look appropriate when he dropped Somin off at school and Doojun to daycare. He ran downstairs and Mingyu ran upstairs to get changed also.

"Do you have your backpack Somin?" He asked while helping Doojun put on his shoes.

Somin showed him her backpack. "Good, ready?" He asked and then took the kids out to the car. Somin buckled up by herself while Wonwoo strapped Doojun in. He closed the doors carefully to make sure that he didn't pinch anyone's fingers and the got in the passenger's seat

Mingyu hopped in the car with the kids lunches right after and they drove off to Somin's school.

Wonwoo got out of the car once they stopped in front of the school and handed Somin her lunch. "Now behave, or else we won't do anything fun this weekend ok?" Somin nodded and hugged Wonwoo. She then waved goodbye to Mingyu and ran inside the school.

Wonwoo got back into the car and looked at Doojun. He had a warm smile and said, "you're next!" while buckling up. After buckling up, they took a short 2 minute drive to the daycare.

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