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Junhi's POV.

"Ok, so how are we going to find him"-Seungcheol

"I know where they're hiding him, I'm going" I started to walk out the door. 

"Wait no, we need a plan to get him out safely"-Jihoon

"Ok, so what's our plan then"

We all sat there silently and then suddenly Chan spoke up, "We could take out all the guards first and whoever else is there quickly, I mean we'll obviously outnumber them, and then Junhui can run in and get Minghao out of there. Also make sure to bring a knife in case you need to cut stuff if he's tied up."

We all stared at him, how come we didn't think of that, and he's younger than all of us. 

"Ok, then lets go with that. Also Junhui, your life may lie on the line......aren't you worried about that."-Seungcheol

"No, I-I love him more than anything and will do anything to make sure he's ok"

They all stared at me and I worried about how they would react but they just nodded their heads sadly.

We then started to get packed up and I went into our safe where we keep a spare hand gun, just for times like this. Seungcheol had told me to get it before we headed out so I did so. 

I finally packed myself in the van and we headed off, even though we were squished.

We arrived not too long later and I jumped out of the van to see the old warehouse. "Ok so spread out around the warehouse, someone pair up with Chan though. We don't want him to get hurt."-Jihoon

We all spread out around the house and started our plan.

I on the other hand decided I probably shouldn't enter by the front so I looked for another way in.

Minghao's POV.

After loosing consciousness from loosing too much blood I finally woke up. I wasn't able to talk so I guess something was tied around my mouth again. I thought that I was going to die, but I put up with it for Junhui. 

Please come for me Junhui, I need you......

After sitting there for what felt like hours I looked around to see some of the guards missing. There were 10 earlier and now there are only 6 left. 

What's going on???

Just then 2 more guards were knocked out. 

Did Junhui come rescue me? Is he coming to save me. But wait, wouldn't that mean I'm going to my death bed. 

I just need to see him one more time and tell him I love him.....

Then I looked up from staring at the ground and saw that there were only 2 guards left. I then saw water on the ground and realized I was crying. Ugh I'm such a baby

Then all the guards were knocked out.

"Ah well look who's going to save you" I heard her voice behind me. 

No Junhui, leave while you still can. I know you won't want to see me die.

I started to pour out tears and I started sobbing, not being able to stop because I couldn't bring my hands to my eyes to rub away the tears. 

I was sitting there waiting for him to come in the front of the building and awaiting my death. My arms were now bruised because she started to abuse me for crying. I also had cuts all over my face from earlier and my leg hurt. 

Everything just hurts so bad and I was on my knees trying to get rid of all my tears. 

Just then I heard a thud and the woman next to me collapsed. I couldn't look over to see what happened everything just hurt so badly. 

I just sat there on my knees when I felt my hands becoming loose. Someone must be untying them. 

My hands came loose and they just fell towards the ground, dangling there. More tears started to come out. 

I then saw a figure standing in front of me, but couldn't make out who it was since my eyes were all blurry. 

I then decided to move my arms to wipe away the tears from at least one of my eyes. 

I looked up to see Junhui also on his knees in front of me. He was staring at me wide eyes and he could see all of the bruises and scars all over me. 

And then he saw the gun shot wound and he started to tear up in front of me. "Your face...your cute adorable face......and your soft arms." He was getting closer to crying. "And your leg......s-she shot you........Minghao......I'm so sorry.....I should've known"

I then cut him off and hugged him "it's okay, I'm okay now that you're here."

He hugged me back and we sat there for a while. Then I pulled myself away "I-I-I l-love y-you s-so much. I have ever since I saw you" 

I started to cry more now. And he pulled his forehead towards mine. "I love you too." he whispered. I then went to kiss him and out lips met. I could feel the electricity going down my spine. 

He pulled away, almost too soon and I looked at him with worry. "We have guests.."

I looked up to see the rest of the group standing there and everyone seemed to be paired up crying. Vernon and Seungkwan of course. Seungcheol and Jihoon, I did not expect that pair. Seokmin and Soonyoung, they were sobbing and being way too over dramatic Losers. Mingyu and Wonwoo, I totally knew they would end up together somehow. And lastly Jeonghan and Joshua, who were also hugging Chan. 

I started to smile, I have so many friends and then went to stand up to go and hug all of them. I started getting up until I felt pain in my leg."Uhhh" I groaned, it hurt so much.

"I'm taking you to the hospital" and Junnie did just that. He carried me into the front seat of the car where I sat on his lap as we waited for the others to get in. 

We got to the hospital and I ended up blacking out again, but my last thought was Thank you Junhui, thank you for saving me.

Yay, see nothing bad happened. I'm going to have one more chapter after this and then I'm going to start up on my Markson fanfic. So I'm exited about that one. Also this is like over a thousand words. Writing long chapters are hard. Please comment and vote. Byee!!

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