Chapter 22

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Arthur was back in his right mind in no time. Yet this time he was happier than usual.

"Someone's happy." Alfred mutters. The two were lying in bed, just lying and watching each other. Arthur just hums in agreement. He traces his hand over the bite mark on his neck. Alfred brings his hand up and gently touches it. "It looks good on you." Alfred smiles.

"Of course you'd think that." Arthur sighs.

"It's going to hurt for a while." Alfred says. Arthur just nods rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, I figured that out." Arthur says. The pair slowly start to move around.

"You go have a shower, I'll text Michael and tell him he can come home whenever he wants. I'll than join you in the shower." Alfred sits up.

"Can you text Peter? I just want to tell him that I'm fine." Arthur says.

"Sure thing." Alfred nods. He grabs his phone and texts Michael and Peter. The two responded with an 'alright' before Alfred put the phone down. He stands up slowly and sleepily makes his way into the bathroom. Arthur had just turned the shower on and was standing under the stream of water with a content smile on his face. Alfred slides into the shower and moves under the water as well. He lets out a relieved sigh.

"It feels nice doesn't it?" Arthur asks.

"Really nice." Alfred turns around and lets the water run down his back. Arthur quickly grabs some soap and moves Alfred forward to allow him to clean Alfred's back. "You don't have to do that Artie." Alfred says.

"I know, but I want to." Arthur smiles slightly.

"Well looks like I'm allowed to go home." Michael says at the breakfast table. Logan and Quinn nod while Oscar pouts, Charlotte continues eating her breakfast.

"Will you stay another night?" Oscar asks.

"Oscar, Michael also wants to spend time with his cousin before he goes home." Logan reminds Oscar. The omega sighs and nods playing with his food.

"I think I might stay another night, but I'll need my uniform for school tomorrow. I'm sure Al will bring it over if I ask." Michael says. Oscar stops his sulking and looks up at Michael with a grin. They had already changed out of their pyjamas and were getting ready to go to the park. Oscar was wearing some of his nice looking clothes, Michael was wearing some baggy jeans with a white button up shirt and a black jacket draped on his shoulders.

"Well I'm finished eating, why don't we go now?" Oscar turns to Michael. The alpha glanced over and nods.

"Don't forget to take your sister!" Quinn calls out from the kitchen. Oscar rolls his eyes and looks over at his sister.

"Come on Charlotte lets go." Oscar says. Charlotte stands up and fixes the red cloth tied lightly around her neck.

"Must you wear that outfit?" Logan questions looking over the newspaper. She looks down at her shorts and short white singlet.

"Fine I'll wear my hoodie over it." She says. They walk to the door and she slips her pink hoodie on; leaving it unzipped.

"Wow aren't you a rebel." Michael says. Oscar puts on his purple cloak. He fixes it slightly before walking out of the house.

"I know, such a rebel." Charlotte grins. Oscar laughs slightly at the two.

"You look good babe." Michael grins looking over his shoulder at Oscar.

"Oh, thanks. I also see that all your gardening paid off." The Australian gestured at Michael. He had tanned up nicely and gained some muscle mass from moving large potted plants around. Michael quickly flexes making Oscar blush slightly.

"You garden?" Charlotte tries not to laugh. Michael slips his sunglasses on and frowns down at her.

"Yeah! What's it to you?" Michael says. Charlotte bursts out laughing at the alpha.

"I just never imagined that you gardened." Charlotte stifles her laughter.

"Yeah, gardening actually is a good way to relieve stress." Michael says.

"Really now? Well what's your favourite flower?" Charlotte questions.

"Probably a big sagebush. It reminds me of home, before my parents started having trouble with work." Michael says.

"Aren't they Nevada's state flower?" Oscar asks, walking up beside his sister to join the conversation.

"Yeah they are, they used to grow a lot in this park near my house. My mum also grew them in the backyard." Michael smiles, but it quickly drops. "They died off because my mum stopped caring for them, she started having trouble with work and her sister; Al and Mattie's alpha mum." Michael sighs.

"Was your mum an alpha as well?" Charlotte asks.

"Yeah, that's how I get my last name Jones. Mathew is kind of the odd one out, but I'm also like the odd one out seeing as I look nothing like those two. They look a lot like they're omega mum, but they have the same facial structure as my aunt." Michael smiles slightly.

"Yeah, when I first met you I wasn't convinced that you were related to those two. I mean they have blonde hair; you have brown. They have blue eyes, although Mathew's are more of a violet colour; you have hazel eyes. Plus you have more tan skin than the two of them have." Oscar says.

"Yeah my mum is half Native American, it's just the fact that Mattie and Al got more of their skin colour from their other mum. Also Mathew lived in Canada for a while so he lost some of his sun tanned skin." Michael shrugs. They walk through the park's entrance gates and look around. Tulipa and Adriano appear.

"Ciao!" Adriano says. Tulipa smiles and waves. She runs a hand through her brown hair before joining the group in their conversing.

"Sorry if we interrupted some sort of discussion, I mean you guys looked to be in a pretty deep conversation." Tulipa says.

"It's fine, let's just get ice-cream." Charlotte hurries along, Adriano quickly joining her.

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