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Alfred walks carefully into the room. He makes his way to the large nest on the ground. Arthur looks up at the alpha. Alfred hands Arthur the blankets and the omega quickly makes a roof over the nest. It was a birthing nest.

"I still don't understand why you have to have a blanket roof." Alfred says.

"Because this is a private affair. It's not like a mating nest. A mating nest is meant to be more open, it's to show off the fact that you mated an omega. It's meant to show that this omega is yours. A birthing nest is private, it's meant to be just something for me and you to be in and see what goes on in there." Arthur says. Alfred glares at the alpha doctor who walks in.

"Now Arthur once you are done with making the nest I recommend that you go in. I'll speak privately with Mr. Jones before speaking privately with you." The doctor says.

"Like hell you'll be alone with him." Alfred mutters under his breath. Arthur and the doctor look at Alfred but neither knew what Alfred had said.

"Now Mr. Jones if you'll come with me." The doctor leaves the room and Alfred follows him. Arthur quickly grabs Alfred's arm.

"Alfred, please don't punch the doctor." Arthur sighs.

"Alright, but if he does anything to you he had it coming." Alfred says. He walks out of the room and talks with the doctor. The doctor just ran through what would be happening and things he had to watch out for.

"I will also tell you that if a nurse tells me that Arthur will need a cesarean you will be extracted from the room and Arthur will be sent into surgery. You will not be able to see him until the surgery is over." The doctor says.

"And if I don't leave?" Alfred questions.

"We will forcefully remove you." The doctor says. Alfred nods before waiting outside as the doctor goes in and speaks with Arthur. He tells Arthur the same sort of things and Arthur nods, although he was irritated when he found out that people would be looking into the nest to check on Arthur. When Alfred returned Arthur was in the nest and out of sight. Alfred had calmly walked over and crouched down.

"Artie can I come in?" Alfred asks. He knew that even though he was Arthur's mate, the omega could still react badly if he just entered the nest without permission.

"Yeah." Arthur says. Alfred quickly enters and moves to hold his omega. Arthur quickly reacts to the alpha and moves to allow Alfred to hold him. The two relaxed down and waited patiently for nurses to come through and check on Arthur. It was sometime later when Arthur went into labour, the visits from nurses halved due to the fact that having the nurses there would stress Arthur and Alfred even more, which could cause problems for the birth. Alfred watched in amazement that after 10 hours of labour, two children now sat nestled in two towels. A boy and a girl. Arthur had growled when a nurse touched the children to weigh them and measure them. Alfred had also growled. The poor omega had quickly left once she had finished checking over the two babies. Alfred and Arthur nestled together as they held their children.

"The girl will be Eliana Haillie Adeline Jones and the boy will be Benjamin Vincent Jones." Alfred says.

"Yeah, aren't they cute?" Arthur says sleepily.

"They are, and you should go to sleep." Alfred brushes some of Arthur's messy blonde hair out of the emerald green eyes. Arthur just smiles before clinging to Alfred and going to sleep. Once he went to sleep the nurses came in to retrieve the children. Alfred nodded at the nurses and said a quick thank you.

"We apologise for coming in so much, it's just that we wanted to keep an eye on him." One nurse says softly.

"Don't worry about it, I know you guys are just doing your job." Alfred smiles. Once the nurses left Alfred went to sleep. The next few weeks were spent living the hard life. Gilbert would make fun of Alfred's zombie look, while Arthur spent his time off as he dealt with his child. Luckily Arthur's brothers wanted everything to do with the child. So Arthur could have a few hours to himself as either his mother or brothers played and cared for Eliana and Benjamin. Alfred came home and saw Mrs. Kirkland tending to Eliana as Benjamin slept. Alfred waved before going into this room. He looked at the sleeping figure of Arthur and quickly took off his shoes and slipped into bed. Within seconds Arthur was pressed into Alfred's side and Alfred was snoring. The pair slept peacefully until the cries of Benjamin made its way to their ears.

"I'll get him." Arthur says and stands up. Alfred shakes his head and goes to disagree but he's quickly shoved back down. "You need sleep, you have to work tomorrow." Arthur says. Alfred chuckles and rolls over going to sleep. When Arthur came back to sleep Alfred had locked his arms around the omega and the pair snored.

"Honestly, could they snore any louder." Mrs. Kirkland sighs as she listens to the couple snoring.

A/N: So this is the end guys. I'm now working on my cardverse stories, so they should start being updated soon enough. I may come back to this series after the Cardverse series but I can't promise anything. I hope you've enjoyed reading these two books and I hope you enjoy reading my Cardverse books.

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