Chapter 11

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Arthur looked around as he walked down an alley. He knew that he would attract the criminal's attention by doing this.

"Poppet you're back!" Arthur turns around, coming face-to-face with his doppelganger.

"Hello. I came to tell you that if you go to the closest security checkpoint at 8pm tomorrow night, you can leave the city. There is a man named Logan who will be there, he will get you out." Arthur says.

"Is it a trap?" Arthur starts coughing when smoke is blown into his face. Francois put the cigarette back in his mouth and crossed his arms.

"Can you not? I am getting you out, I don't want to inhale that poison. I get enough of it from my older brother." Arthur steps back and waves his hand in front of him to disperse the smoke.

"I'll ask again, is it a trap?" Francois asks sternly.

"No it isn't jeez calm down; I want you away from me and my friends so of course I'm going to get you out." Arthur sighs.

"Why don't you come back with us and I'll give you some cupcakes?" Oliver smiles.

"Sorry I'm on a tight schedule. I also don't feel hungry." Arthur says before taking a step towards the exit of the alley.

"Aw c'mon doll, can't you spare us a second or two?" Allen pulls Arthur towards him.

"No I can't, so let me go." Arthur glares at the alpha. Oliver watched with curious eyes as the blonde omega curls in on himself slightly.

"Al let the guy go, he might not get us out if you scare him." Matthieu grumbles in annoyance.

"Or it'll get us out faster." Allen smirks at the blonde.

"It's either Sunday or Tuesday, I was able to get you lot out Sunday but if you want I can change it to Tuesday." Arthur tries to pull away from Allen.

"Hey!" The group look up and see Alfred standing there.

"Al..." Arthur trails off, staring at Alfred with desperate eyes.

"You know him?" Matthieu stares intently at Arthur.

"Alfred!" Arthur cries out. "Alpha!" Arthur cries out without even realising it. The others look down at Arthur unimpressed. Alfred stalks down the alley and rips Arthur out of Allen's grip. Arthur moved behind Alfred as he instinctively wrapped his arms protectively around his belly.

"Look I know Artie's getting you out of the city. He is trust me, but don't you dare manhandle him like that." Alfred snarls at Allen. Oliver looks at Arthur and furrows his eyebrows when he sees Arthur's behaviour.

"I apologise on behalf of everyone here! If you'll excuse us poppets we must be off, too-da-loo." Oliver grabs Allen's arm and pulls him away from the pair. Alfred turns on his heel and quickly picks Arthur up before leaving.

"What the hell Ollie?" Allen yanks his arm away from the omega.

"I won't let you harm an omega like him." Oliver says.

"Dude, what's so special about that idiot?" Allen asks Francois.

"I don't know, just listen to Oliver." Francois shrugs.

"Well he's so special because... Well he just is." Oliver says. Allen sighs and shakes his head.

Alfred took Arthur back home. The two were silent on the walk back, Arthur felt as though he couldn't trust his own voice. Alfred decided to just let the omega talk to him in his own time. Alfred put Arthur down to unlock and open the front door. Alfred steps aside and allows Arthur to go inside.

"A-Alfred." Arthur reaches out for Alfred once the alpha closes the door.

"Yeah?" Alfred asks quietly, bringing the omega to his chest.

"Thanks." Arthur says. Alfred chuckles and leans back to look at Arthur.

"Don't worry about it. If you go out again and they haven't left bring me along, ok? I'm here for you, I want to make sure you're safe and happy." Alfred kisses Arthur.

"Alright." Arthur smiles softly.

The rest of the day went by smoothly. Alfred treated Arthur with as much care as possible. The two didn't leave the bedroom much, only to grab something to eat or go to the toilet. Arthur had created himself a sorry excuse of a nest as he watched Alfred play videogames. Alfred had to make some adjustments to his usual sitting spot since Arthur wanted the alpha in the nest and continued to whine to him until he did. Alfred did feel honoured to have been wanted so much even though the omega wasn't in heat. At first Alfred had freaked out when Arthur had started to make a nest however this one was different to the normal heat nests Alfred had seen Arthur make. This one had blankets on top, it made the nest darker and quieter on the inside, it pretty much made it more private. Alfred could remember that there were different nests that omegas would make depending on the use of them. Sadly he couldn't remember what this nest was used for. He assumed it had something to do with comfort but he was positive that the comfort one was a bit smaller and didn't have a blanket roof.

"You ok there?" Alfred looks next to him. Arthur was lying down and now that Alfred looked, the omega was staring intently at the game.

"Pay attention or you'll die." Arthur points at the screen. Alfred nods and looks at the screen for a second before looking back at Arthur.

"Alright." Alfred chuckles. He turns his attention back to the TV sat across from them. They, well mainly Alfred, continued playing videogames until it was nearly 8pm.

"Let's go to bed." Arthur yawns.

"Good idea." Alfred gets out of the nest and stretches, yawning in the process. He turns the TV off and puts the controller next to the gaming system before returning back to Arthur. The omega quickly pulled the alpha towards him before curling up in Alfred's arms. Turning around so his back was facing Alfred the two move around a little before they got comfortable. Once asleep they both unconsciously wrap their arms around Arthur's midsection and Alfred curls around the smaller male.

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