Chapter 16

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The next morning Alfred hurried Michael out the door. Both alphas had woken up late and Michael had only just made it in time for the bus. Oscar had given him a weird look when the brunette collapsed in his seat and went back to sleep.

"Good now I won't have to listen to you two sucking each other's faces off." Charlotte grins. Oscar rolls his eyes and glares at his younger sister. The bus stops at a new house.

"Must be getting a new person." Oscar says.

"Yeah, isn't this Roderich's house?" Charlotte states. A young beta walks onto the bus. They sit at the front and play with their white hair. It was braided into two long braids. They continue to collect different people and it wasn't until Adriano walked on that someone said something to the beta.

"Ciao! What's your name?" Adriano asks. The omega sits on the same seat as the beta.

"Oh, h-hello, my name is Alexander. What is your name?" The person says quietly.

"My name's Adriano! Are you a boy or a girl?" Adriano smiles. The beta blushes and looks at Adriano in surprise.

"I'm a boy." Alexander mutters.

"Would you like to sit with us?" Adriano gestures to the others at the back of the bus.

"That would be nice." Alexander smiles looking up. Adriano stands up and skips to the back of the bus. Charlotte pats the spot next to her and Adriano tells Alexander to sit there. Adriano takes a seat as well and moves over when Tulipa walks onto the bus.

"You look tired." Adriano points out.

"Fritz wouldn't shut up last night. I think I'm ready to pass out." Tulipa yawns.

"Well you should, you wouldn't be the only one." Lars points to the sleeping Peter next to him and the sleeping Michael across from him.

"Why are they sleeping anyway?" Tulipa asks.

"Peter is staying with Arthur and apparently it wasn't until 2am that Arthur got to sleep. Michael was just up really late and is now paying the price of that." Leon smirks. The answer however fell on deaf ears as Tulipa was now fast asleep.

"Well she went to sleep quickly." Emil says.

"We should probably introduce ourselves, my names Charlotte that's Peter, Lars, Tulipa, as you know Adriano, Leon, Emil, Michael and my older brother Oscar." Charlotte points out everyone.

"My name's Alexander." Alexander says bashfully.

"I think I'll call you Alex, you can call me Charlie." Charlotte grins.

Arthur taps his fingers on the dining table. He was looking out the window in a bored manner. Feliciano was visiting today, the Italian had just texted him saying he was coming over, and in all honesty Arthur didn't want to see the Italian. It only reminded him of the extra mouth he now had to feed. By accident Arthur found himself thinking of baby names, however he quickly shoved those thoughts aside. He tried to think more about what he would say to Alfred when he saw the alpha again. He knew that Alfred would turn up after the child was born and demand to see the baby. Yet Arthur also knew that he would be seeing Alfred again before he had the child. Arthur was pulled out of his thoughts when knocking was heard on the door. He quickly opened it to find Feliciano happily standing there.

"Hello Feliciano." Arthur stepped aside and let the male in. Feliciano walked in the slipped his shoes off before sitting down on the couch.

"Ciao Arthur." Feliciano smiles. Arthur closes the door and joins the other omega on the couch.

"How are you?" Arthur asks.

"I'm doing great! Ludwig and I were thinking of baby names last night, Adriano even joined in." Feliciano grins.

"That's good, I'm glad to see you enjoying yourself again. Last time I saw you, you weren't the happiest you could be." Arthur states.

"Yeah, I wasn't having a very good day that day." Feliciano giggles. The two continue talking, even when Peter walked through the door. He just smiled and waved at Feliciano before going to have a shower, grumbling something about how hot it was while playing sport. Eventually Ludwig knocked on the door and retrieved his omega, Arthur smiled and waved bye to him.

"I'm going out." Peter says walking out of the room.

"What? Since when were you going out?" Arthur asks.

"I'm going late night shopping with all my friends, like I do every single week on Wednesdays." Peter says.

"But it's a school night." Arthur says.

"Yeah, I'll be back by 8." Peter puts his shoes on.

"Who's taking you?" Arthur questions.

"Tino is picking me up." Peter smiles. Arthur sighs and shakes his head.

"Alright, just please be back by 8." Arthur says. Peter nods and hugs his brother before leaving. Arthur goes back to the couch and watches TV. He gets up and makes himself a sandwich for dinner. It had been about an hour and Arthur was starting to bore of watching TV. He would have read however he didn't feel up to reading anything. He turned the TV off and stopped moving when he heard voices. Walking over to the window he looked out seeing a few alphas having a fight on the street. There seemed to be a few omegas near them, and by the looks of how they were dressed they must have been hookers. He paid it no mind and just shook his head before going and having a shower. Once he got out of the shower he felt his eyes go wide when he still heard the yelling but it was much closer. He hurried out of the bathroom and locked the front door. He looked out the eyehole in the door to see the alphas yelling at each other in the hall, obviously they must live in one of the apartments on this story. Arthur squeaked in surprise when one of the alphas was pinned on Arthur's door.

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