Chapter 27

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The next two weeks went by very fast. Arthur and Alfred slowly moved all of Arthur's things to Alfred's house. They started with the clothing.

"I thought you had more clothes." Alfred says as he continues to pull things out of the closet and dresser.

"Well a majority of my clothes are already at your house." Arthur says as he folds the clothes and puts them in boxes.

"Our house." Alfred quickly corrects him. The alpha looks over his shoulder and smiles at the blonde omega. Arthur looks over at Alfred and smiles back. Arthur sorts the clothes before folding them and placing them in the two boxes there were. He folds the cardboard down and picks one of the boxes up.

"Jeez this is heavy." Arthur huffs. The omega starts to walk out of the apartment. Alfred laughs behind him. The alpha easily carried the box.

"It's not that heavy." Alfred grins. Arthur just rolls his eyes at the male. They step outside the apartment and Alfred puts the box down before locking the house up with his key. Arthur had given him a key to the apartment last month. Once the door was locked Alfred picked the box up again. They walk downstairs and come across Emil and Leon.

"Are you two moving out?" Arthur questions.

"Yeah, Em got a part-time job and we've been saving up. We have enough money so we're moving out. Mathias and Lukas are helping since we're just moving upstairs." Leon says.

"That's interesting, I would've thought that Lukas would've tried to hold Emil down." Alfred laughs.

"What are you two doing with those boxes anyway?" Emil asks.

"Well the time has come for me to move on. I'm moving in with Alfred." Arthur says.

"What's up with you two anyway? Mathew, Francis, Tino, Berwald, Lars, Peter and Michael have been tiptoeing around." Leon asks.

"Well Alfred's my mate and I'm pregnant. That's why I'm moving in with Alfred." Arthur says.

"Well damn." Mathias says. The alpha was carrying some flattened boxes. They had obviously bought in some furniture from the boxes and was now throwing them out. Alfred shrugs and pecks Arthur's forehead.

"Yeah, I thought the same thing at first but I guess I'm over that now." Alfred grins.

"We'll have to catch up more often." Lukas says. The omega brushes some of his ashy coloured hair out of his face. Mathias nods with a grin. All of a sudden Arthur puts the box down.

"What's wrong?" Alfred asks quickly.

"I'm not that strong Alfred, I can't hold a box like that for so long." Arthur sighs, shaking his arms as he tries to rid them of their aching.

"Sorry." Alfred says. He places his box on top of the other and leans on them.

"You right there?" Arthur asks. Alfred just nods smiling.

"I guess we should let you guys leave." Emil says. He starts to leave along with the others after the group says their goodbyes. Arthur picks up a box and starts to leave; Alfred also picks up a box and follows after Arthur. The pair put the boxes in the back of Alfred's car before leaving.

Secondly they packed up all of Arthur's books and other trinkets. Alfred had nervously gulped when he realised how many books Arthur had. He knew the omega owned a lot but he didn't realise he owned this many.

"Well we'll start with the living room bookshelf and make our way to all the bookshelves before moving onto the random piles I have." Arthur says as he grabs a box. Alfred just nods before grabbing a box as well. The two spend the entire day packing boxes full of books. Alfred thought his arms would fall off after carrying so many boxes. Eventually the books stopped and Arthur decided that they'd come back to get Arthur's trinkets.

It was a few days later when they came back to retrieve some of Arthur's other things. Arthur had forced Alfred to just wait as Arthur packed everything. He put all his pictures and photo albums in boxes, along with little sculpture things and knitting stuff. He put all his material in a box as well. He helped Alfred take the boxes down before they locked up and left.

For the remaining days until Arthur's rent lease ended they removed some of the furniture Arthur had bought with him. Arthur gave away the arm chairs to Emil and Leon. His TV and stereo were put into storage along with Arthur's bed, bedside tables, dresser, closet and TV stand. Some of the other left over stuff was either left in the room – since it was the owner of the building that owned it – or was given away. Alfred also gave Arthur a key to the storage unit Alfred owned, this was so Arthur could access his own stuff. Arthur and Alfred waited patiently as the owner of the building surveyed the house.

"Well everything looks good. I just need all the keys to this house." Arthur handed over two keys and Alfred handed over his own.

"There you go." Alfred smiles.

"You two can leave now, and I wish you the best for your family." The owner nods and smiles.

"Thank you, bye." Arthur says. Alfred and Arthur leave and go downstairs. The pair hop in Alfred's car and they drive back to their own house. Alfred stands by the door and waits. Arthur frowns at the alpha.

"Aren't you going to open the door to our house?" Alfred asks. Arthur giggles slightly as he pulls out his key. He unlocks the door and opens it before walking in. He looks around and smiles. Alfred embraces Arthur from behind as he rests his chin on the top of his head. "This is all yours now. You have as much right to change anything in this house as I do." Alfred grins.

"It feels kind of odd to know that this is also my house. I've never been able to call a building mine, since I rented an apartment or lived with my parents." Arthur says.

"Well now you can!" Alfred says. He moves away from Arthur and strolls into the kitchen. "Hungry?" He questions over his shoulder. Arthur nods and sits down. Alfred pulls out some leftovers. He heats them up and serves them to Arthur. He sits down and starts eating from his own container as Arthur munches away on his own.

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