Chapter 3

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Arthur and Alfred left the party later that night with high spirits, they were also full of spirits. Well Arthur was. Alfred fights Arthur to get the omega in the car to leave.

"Artie! Dude, c'mon you gotta get in the car to go home." Alfred sighs.

"You don't know me you bloody git!" Arthur yells.

"Artie c'mon!" Alfred finally shoves Arthur into the car before closing the door.

"You going to be alright with him?" Mathew asks. Alfred nods at his brother with a smile.

"Yeah bro don't worry, I've dealt with drunk Arthur before. Although he wasn't as bad last time." Alfred laughs nervously.

"I do hope you live to see tomorrow mon ami." Francis says. Wrapping an arm around Mathew's waist.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll pass out in the car." Gilbert laughs.

"Anyway see you guys later!" Alfred waves before hopping in the driver's seat. The second he sat down he was hit on the head. "Ow! Artie what the hell?" Alfred turns to look at the blonde omega.

"You're kidnapping me!" He slurs.

"This is going to be one hell of a ride." Alfred grumbles before pulling away from the gutter. It was a long trip for Alfred as he was attacked by Arthur a multitude of times. He pulled into his driveway and turned off his car before hopping out and sighing looking at the male in the back of his car going nuts. "I should just leave him." He rubs his forehead before opening the car door and getting tackled.

"I thought you were gonna leave me in the car all by myself!" The omega sobs.

"I would never do that Artie." Alfred says with a guilty look on his face.

"Carry me." Arthur crosses his arms.

"Aw! You look so cute when you do that." Alfred coos as he picks Arthur up. Alfred carries Arthur into the house and goes into the bedroom. He gently puts down Arthur, who had fallen asleep while being carried, before tucking him in. Alfred sat on the edge of the bed as he stroked the side of Arthur's face, a small smiles made its way on to the alpha's face. He stretched before walking over to his wardrobe and changing into some clean boxers to sleep in. He then walked over to Arthur and took the omega's shoes and socks off. He pulled off the black skinny jeans Arthur was wearing and carefully took off Arthur's jacket as well. He finally went to his side of the bed and hopped in. Wrapping his arms around Arthur he pulled the omega into his chest as he drifted off into dreamland.

"Turn that bloody alarm off!" Arthur yelled into the pillow. Alfred laughed before turning his alarm off and getting up to grab Arthur some water along with something to help with his hangover. Once back to Arthur, Alfred quietly handed over the glass and some Panamax.

"Now I'll let you go back to sleep. I have to go to work so don't freak out when you wake up and I'm gone." Alfred pecks Arthur's forehead before leaving to get ready for work. Arthur just nodded before rolling over and going back to sleep.

It was the afternoon when Arthur woke up again. He could think properly now that his headache was gone. Glancing at his outfit Arthur frowned at the fact that his shoes, socks, jeans and jacket were missing from his body.

"Alfred must've removed them." Arthur mutters. Arthur sat up and stretched before calling out Alfred's name. Arthur frowned when said bouncy alpha never entered the room. "Alfred?" Arthur yelled out again. When he still got no response he quickly hopped up and left the room. He walks around the house continually calling out for Alfred. Arthur felt his heart beating faster and his breathing getting heavier as he realised Alfred was missing.

"Artie are you ok?" Alfred runs into the house. He'd heard Arthur's cries the second he opened the car door to get out. Arthur looked up and made eye contact with the familiar blue eyes. The omega jumped at Alfred causing the two to fall. He quickly curls up into Alfred's chest as the alpha wraps his arms around Arthur.

"I thought you left me!" Arthur cries out.

"Um, did you forget that I went to work? And that I'd obviously be back since this is my house..." Alfred trails off. That earned him a smack on his arm.

"Shut up." Arthur grumbles, realising that it was Tuesday and obviously a work day for Alfred. Arthur had been given the day off by Francis once the Frenchman realised that Arthur obviously wouldn't be making it to work.

"Anyway, are you hungry? I could make you something." Alfred asks, standing up still holding the petite omega.

"Could you make me some roast beef? And could you put me down?" Alfred laughs and puts down Arthur.

"Sure thing dude." Alfred grins. He walks over to the fridge and opens it up. "Damn, we have no beef. I'll go to the shops and buy some." Alfred says.

"No it's alright, I'll duck over and buy some." Arthur says grabbing his wallet.

"You should put some pants on first." Alfred smirks. Arthur blinks before looking down and going red.

"Shut up idiot!" Arthur races into the bedroom and slips on his jeans again. He sprays some deodorant on him before leaving the house. Walking down the street he drops into the grocery store.

"Oh my god! I like can't believe it. It's you Arthur." Arthur turns to see Toris and his beta boyfriend Feliks. Feliks was dressed in a pink dress with some sparkly white heels, his shoulder-length blonde hair had a pink bow in it. Feliks may have been male but that never stopped him wearing girl clothes.

"Oh hello Arthur." Toris says calmly.

"Well it's quite surprising to see you two here." Arthur says.

"Yeah like we needed some food. Toris like forgot to do the groceries." Feliks says. Toris just chuckles and rubs the back of his neck.

"I see, so how are you two doing? I didn't see you at Emil's party yesterday." Arthur asks.

"Oh, Feliks and I got stuck in the next town over due to Feliks parents." Toris says. Arthur laughs and nods.

"Yeah my like parents were like really interested in like Toris." Feliks stretches his arms out and admires his manicured hands.

"Well I guess Toris is an interesting person when he wants to be." Arthur chuckles. "Anyway, I better hurry up and get some beef before I get home to Alfred."

"Yes well we better start shopping." Toris smiles. The three say their goodbyes before going separate ways. Arthur walks into the meat section and picks up a good sized portion of beef before going to the cash register. He pays for the beef and leaves the building.

"I better get home." Arthur looks up at the sunset. He started on his way home and it didn't take long for the sun to set leaving the city in darkness. Arthur gulps nervously as he walks along the sidewalk.

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