Chapter 2

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A few days later Alfred and Arthur appeared at Emil's birthday. Leon and Emil had come over to greet the pair, much to Arthur's happiness.

"How did everything go?" Arthur asks.

"It was alright, although I think Leon was a little overwhelmed." Emil mumbles. Leon just nods at the statement.

"It was really weird to see how much Emil's personality can change. He went from ignoring some of my requests to making the requests." Leon says. Emil goes red and huffs in embarrassment.

They went their separate ways as Emil and Leon went back to some of their friends. Arthur and Alfred went over to the present table where Arthur put the present Alfred and himself bought for Emil. Alfred then wondered over to Mathias and Gilbert.

"Sup dudes!" He jumped on the pair sending them all sprawling on the ground.

"Hey dude!" Mathias grins.

"Hallo!" Gilbert also grins. The three alphas stand up and brush themselves off.

"How's Artie?" Mathias asks.

"He's doing great, he seems to be warming up to me more every day. How's Fritz?" Alfred looks at Gilbert.

"Kid's being as awesome as his father." Gilbert sticks a thumb over his shoulder, pointing over to where Elizaveta and Roderich stood gushing over the little baby in Elizaveta's arms.

"How are you coping knowing Emil is now 18?" Gilbert asks Mathias.

"I'm a bit upset, especially knowing it won't be much longer and he'll be moving out and doing his own thing. I think Lukas is preparing to strap Emil to the wall to make sure he won't leave." Mathias chuckles.

"Yeah I don't know how I'll react when Tulipa wants out. I honestly don't know what I'll do when she finds someone that she takes an interest in." Gilbert crosses his arms.

"Man thank god I'm not a dad yet." Alfred wipes forehead. They all just laugh at Alfred.

"Be careful, you never know what could happen." Gilbert states.

"Yeah, I mean Lukas and I became parents when we turned 18 ourselves. Although Lukas was happier than me about it, mainly because I had passed out." Mathias rubs the back of his neck. Alfred and Gilbert just laughed at the blonde Dane.

"Do you feel old now?" Tino asks Lukas.

"I do. It's finally sunk in that I'm 36 this year." Lukas sighs. Arthur laughs at the two before shaking his head.

"How's Lars?" Arthur asks. The three omegas were sitting down in the backyard of Ivan and Yao's house.

"Lars is doing great! He's head over heels for Peter. It's quite entertaining to watch the two of them." Tino smiles.

"Peter has been texting me asking for advice, however he always seems to deny that he does when we're in public." Arthur chuckles.

"That's understandable actually. Also have you heard that Tulipa might have a crush?" Tino asks.

"What? Are you serious?" Arthur questions back.

"He's very serious." A feminine voice comes from behind the three. They look to see Elizaveta standing there with Frederick in her arms.

"Hello Liz, how's Fritz?" Arthur smiles.

"He's doing well, anyway back to the main topic; Tulipa having a crush." Elizaveta sits down.

"So does she?" Lukas asks.

"Yes she does, you know how Lovino and Feliciano found out they had a younger brother? Well his name is Adriano. He's also an omega and Tulipa seems to have taken an interest in him. I've been avoiding the topic when it comes to Gilbert. I have no idea how he'll take it so I'm not telling him yet." Elizaveta cradles Frederick in her arms with a warm smile.

"Ciao!" Feliciano smiles as he walks in. Ludwig, Antonio, Lovino and Adriano walked in behind the cheery Italian. A few people greet them while others just give a nod in return. Tulipa stops her talking with Leon and Emil and in turn looks over to give Adriano a smile. The young Italian quickly returns it and strolls over to her.

"Bruder!" Gilbert waves Ludwig over. Antonio walks over as well leaving the two Italian brothers alone.

"What do you want to do fratello?" Feliciano asks.

"I don't know. You decide." Lovino responds.

"Let's go see Kiku!" The omega bounces off in search of the Japanese omega. Lovino huffs before following his brother. It didn't take long for them to come across the ravenette and his older mate. The Grecian was fast asleep with a cat in his lap and Kiku leaning on him.

"Konichiwa Feliciano-san and Lovino-san." Kiku bows his head respectively.

"Ciao Kiku!" Feliciano smiles.

"How about we move away? I do not wish to wake Heracles." Kiku stands and moves off. Feliciano nods and follows after Kiku. Lovino on the other hand looked over at Antonio, the alpha was looking at him. Antonio gave him a big smile before saying something to the other alphas and walking over to Lovino.

"Hola Lovi." Antonio says.

"Where did Kiku go?" Heracles slowly asks from behind the pair.

"He's off talking with my idiota fratello." Lovino replies. Antonio apologises for waking him up before grabbing Lovino's hand and walking away with him.

"Come on Lovi let's go wish Emil a happy birthday." Antonio laughs. Lovino nods and a small smile appears on his face as he listened to Antonio's laugh.

"Alright everyone gather round!" Mathias yells out. Everyone gathers around Emil and Lukas brings out a huge cake.

"Oh god." Emil hides his embarrassed face. Everyone starts singing happy birthday and Emil smiles slightly. Once the singing was finished Lukas handed him a knife.

"If you touch the bottom you have to kiss the closest alpha!" Gilbert yells. Everyone except Lukas and Mathias cheer and nod. Emil glances at Leon who was sitting next to him. Emil than purposefully slammed the knife straight through the cake so it hit the plate.

"Gimme a kiss." Leon says. Emil pecks his lips and everyone laughs cheering at the two of them.

"You're 18 now dude! You can do what ever you want!" Alfred yells. Arthur laughs and shakes his head.

"You know Mathias is going to tackle you for saying that?" Arthur looks up at the blonde.

"Yeah I know, doesn't mean I won't say it." Alfred grins.

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