Chapter 26

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"What happened?" Alistair asks.

"Well, it didn't go down like Mum thought it would." Peter says as he sits down.

"Tell us what happened." Mr. Kirkland says sternly.

"Do you want the long or short version?" Peter questions.

"Well may as well tell us the long version." Liam sighs.

"Well when we got there Mum knocked on the door. When Alfred opened it she demanded to see her son. Alfred said Arthur was asleep. When she demanded again Alfred told her that she wouldn't see him while he was in Alfred's house. Arthur called out for Alfred, which gave Mum enough time to open the door and go inside. Once inside she tried to bring Arthur back here. Arthur told her no and in the end Arthur and Alfred started saying how they actually do care for each other and that Alfred would not be leaving Arthur anytime soon. Arthur also told Mum to leave. She was really shocked, I think she nearly passed out when Alfred asked for her not to visit Arthur when he was at Alfred's house. I dare say she mentally died when Arthur also said that it goes the same for you guys. I would say that I'm the only Kirkland allowed at that house because if Dad showed up Alfred would just chase him off." Peter sighs at the end. All the alphas wince when they hear their mother cry out Arthur's name.

"I can't believe that alpha." Alistair frowns.

"I can't believe Arthur, I mean since when did he stand up against Mum. Actually since when did he become so loose? He used to be so uptight about everything to do with alphas. If this was the old Arthur, he would've never gotten pregnant." Liam says.

"I'm just amazed." Jack shrugs.

"I agree with Arthur, I mean Arthur is 25 he has the right to start his own family. I mean all of us have partners and children, Alistair even has grandchildren. Are we not allowing Arthur this freedom because he's an omega? I usually would find anything to hold against Arthur but I'm not going to do that right now. I think I might defend Arthur this time round. Yet back to what I was saying; Arthur being an omega. I mean if it was Alistair this happened to, all of us would just act like the child wasn't conceived when the couple weren't mated and instead was conceived when they mated. So why can't we do that for Arthur? I mean doesn't he deserve this? He's put up with all of our nonsense his entire life, he's put up with all our strict and super high expectations. I mean Mum and Dad were never that hard on us, and did a lot of forgive and forget, yet no one did that for Arthur. He sat through Dad's lectures and Mum's yelling more times than I can count. I say we give Arthur the space he deserves." Sean says. All eyes were on him.

"You really do have a heart." Jack cracks up laughing. Sean smacks his twin upside the head.

"But you have a good point." Liam sighs.

"I guess we should leave our little brother alone for a while, shouldn't we?" Alistair says.

"Yes we should." Mrs. Kirkland's voice says. The alphas were too busy listening to Sean's speech to notice their mother. She had stopped her crying once she heard her sons talking about what had happened. She was very surprised to have found Sean the one to defend Arthur first. The alphas all look at their mother and nod in agreement.

"We'll let Arthur come to us, he will eventually but we just have to give him space. He needs to figure out his own things on his own now. He is an adult and his own person." Alistair says. The others quickly agree.

"How about I get started on dinner?" Mrs. Kirkland says. The alphas nod and Peter goes to help her. His mother was a very good cook; only because she didn't have Kirkland blood.

Arthur and Alfred were talking over dinner smiling and laughing.

"Do you mind if I move in?" Arthur asks.

"Of course not, you should start to move in now." Alfred smiles.

"Yeah, my rent lease is coming to an end in a few weeks. So instead of signing another lease I think I'll just move in here." Arthur says.

"Man your single omega freedom didn't last long did it?" Alfred laughs.

"Yeah, I probably should've expected that. I'm still glad I did have that time to live alone." Arthur sighs.

"Yeah, plus we would've never been able to get together as often as we do." Alfred smiles.

"I've done some thinking on baby names." Arthur says.

"Oh really now? What's some names you've thought of?" Alfred asks.

"I haven't thought of anything I like, I'll tell you if I do." Arthur smiles.

"Alright, I'll tell you if I think of any good names." Alfred says.

"Do you want a boy or a girl? Also what class?" Arthur asks.

"I think I'd like a little girl, and we've discussed this, I don't mind what class but I would like an alpha." Alfred smiles.

"They say that an omega can change their child to match the expectations of their alpha, usually they do it by accident." Arthur says. Alfred shakes his head.

"I don't believe that, I mean a child is just made, it doesn't change gender or class while in the womb." Alfred says.

"I honestly can't believe you, you don't believe any Urban Legends or Supernatural things yet you still try and make me believe in Aliens." Arthur sighs.

"Because Aliens do exist!" Alfred says. Arthur laughs and shakes his head.

"Keep telling yourself that." He says as he stands and takes the plates and cutlery to the kitchen to wash. "Now go have a shower!" Arthur yells over his shoulder.

"Alright I'm going." Alfred stands up, pushing his chair in as he goes upstairs into the bathroom. He starts the shower and it's not long before Arthur appears. Alfred lets out a shriek when he sees Arthur.

"Did I scare you?" Arthur asks.

"You think?" Alfred sighs. Arthur just laughs.

"Anyway let's have a bath, I feel so stiff." Arthur says. Alfred nods and starts the taps; putting the plug in. "I bought this." Arthur holds out a bottle.

"Liquid bubble bath? Oh man I haven't used this in forever! Mattie and I practically lived in this stuff." Alfred grins.

"Of course you two did." Arthur laughs.

A/N: Hey guys, I'm at a screening of the Titanic play in my hometown. I decided to upload another chapter :3 I have also decided on Genders and Names but you won't see them until I upload Chapter 30 and any chapters after that.

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