#36- R u n

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Pete's POV

"What... how...", Patrick started mumbling in shock "What's happening, Pete? I don't understand..."

"M- my real, original name...", I slowly pointed to the newspaper "is N- Noah Brooks... I don't use it anymore; I have a double identity, because cops would have found me easily if I only had one name..."

Patrick was obviously speechless. His eyeballs nearly fell out of his head.

"No, no, no", he started muttering and shook his head multiple times, refusing to believe.

"I- I'm sorry... I really am"

"Don't fucking touch me!", he hissed after I tried to take his hand. Then he stumbled backwards, his breath getting faster and faster.

"Hey, hey", I muttered, scared that he could have a panic attack "I can explain..."

"You can't explain anything!!", he shouted with tears already welling in his eyes.

"This was just to protect you..."

"Y- you f... fucking liar"

"Please, listen-"


"I just couldn't tell you before!! I was too weak inside, you're my weakness-"


Deeply hurt, I stayed mute in front of his reaction. He was right, though.

He continued, this time in a lower voice "Y- you were the only one I trusted... w- while, in reality, you're the person I- I could truss the less"

"But... I've changed..."

"I'm just... done with this whole shit, I'm done with you!", he sobbed in anger "Stay away from me!"

"No, PATRICK!", I shouted as he quickly ran out "Come here! Please! I know it's hard, but you have to listen to me!"

"I don't wanna hear anything else from you!", his voice echoed through the trees. 

"Patrick, please!", I yelled exhausted, squinting my eyes to glimpse something in the dark "It's late! Don't stay outside, you're gonna die from cold!"

"Please", I repeated falling on my knees. This time, Patrick didn't reply.

"I don't wanna hurt you..."

He was gone.


Patrick's POV

How could I had been so stupid?! How had I not figured that out sooner? We had lost ourselves in love, and now the truth hurt. Pete had waited to reveal his secret, deluding himself that he could had solved the problem... but his secret was too big. And "sometimes things can't change how you want them to".

A few snowflakes landed on my cheeks and, after melting, they mixed up with my tears. I couldn't stop myself from crying; maybe I was too impulsive, maybe my reaction was childish... but how could I stay impassive in front of the confession of a serial killer? He could be as cruel as the person who had killed my parents; he didn't kill me, simply because he had fallen for me. But what if he never did? I would had been dead for sure now, 'cause he was heartless.

... No, Patrick, you're so wrong.

He wasn't heartless. I believed he had changed, I believed he didn't want to commit any murder anymore... the problem is that it was too hard to forgive him.

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