#22- P h i l a d e l p h i a

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Pete's POV

I kissed Patrick. I freaking kissed him. That wasn't really planned, but the urge was too much. His reaction? I couldn't describe it. I did believe things between us could work, though, and I knew he believed that as well. I just had to wait for another sign... it was his turn, now.

"Hey, it's Patrick", he called the day after "Sadly we can't meet up today, since I have to pack my things. Remember when I told you I would go to my aunt's house for Christmas? Well... I'm getting ready because I'm leaving tomorrow. And I wanted to ask... why don't you come with me?"

"I.. are you sure? You should ask your aunt first"

"Oh, she'll be happy to have another guest for sure! And her house is huge. Christmas Eve is tomorrow and I have to be there for dinner, so... yeah we'll leave in the morning. Is that okay for you? I'll think about carrying the suitcases for you, if your wrist still hurts"

I smirked: "Sounds like a rad deal to me"


"Hey! Ready?", Patrick called when he came ring my doorbell.

"Yes, I just need to do one more thing"

I stepped into my bedroom to open the drawer and pulled out the splinter.

My first weapon. My first murder. My first sin.

I wanted to forget all of that.

After opening the window, I dropped the splinter and let it fall on the road and break into a million pieces. That caused Patrick to rush under the window. As he noticed the broken splinter, he showed a sweet, happy smiled, which I returned.

"Is he coming, too?", I nodded over Patrick's dog.

"Of course! You can't even understand how much Charlie is special to me"

I snorted in laughter and tried to lift my suitcases with both my hands.

"Oh, no, let me take this", he grabbed a bag so that I wouldn't force my wrist.

I thanked him and got in his car.

"What's wrong?", Patrick asked in concern, as he saw me shift and constantly tilt my eyes up and down.

"I'm just a bit nervous", I chuckled.

"Ahhh, come on, it's gonna be okay"

"I know... I just don't wanna make a bad impression"

"You won't", he assured me.

"Patrick", I called later.


"Sorry for... you know... for shouting at you and insulting your friend Sky, two days ago... I was just very... surprised, and I couldn't think straight..."

"No, no, it's my fault, if I didn't tell her you felt bad anything of that would have ever happened, so I have to apologize first... and by the way you're right: she a bitch"

As we laughed together I realized no one except for Brendon knew we were leaving New York for a while, so it wasn't possible for Gerard and Sky to find us now.

"Oh and Pete", Patrick's voice almost made me jump "Do no ever think again that I like her, because that's not true. Okay?"

"Well... now I believe that, you proved it two days ago"

When the train arrived, we looked for two seats and sat together.

"So... how's Philadelphia?"

"Actually very cool. Maybe even better than New York"

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