#20- P a n c a k e s

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[Eyyy, I'm so happy, chapter 20 already *^*]

Pete's POV

"What happened?", I asked in confusion scratching the back of my neck.

"Hey", Patrick's face regained some colour as soon as he saw me awake "I was worried. How do you feel?"

"Strange", I said in a low voice and got a chuckle in reply: "It's quite normal; they almost broke your wrist and your head"

I immediately touched my forehead and felt a bandage around it.

"While you were out, I called the doctor and he came here to check you. He decides to put that bandage on your head because you had a few scratches and bruises"

"Oh. Well... thank you"

He smiled: "I know you're probably not in the right mood or contidion to eat, but... maybe we should have something for breakfast"

"You're right"

"Oh, but I'll think about it all, don't worry, you can stay there"

"Maybe I'll move to the table, though"

"Hang on, hang on, hang on: do you have eggs, flour, sugar and stuff like that?"

"Yes, of course. Why?"

"You'll see"

In less than five minutes, Patrick managed to get our breakfast ready.

"Here you are", he handed me a tray full of pancakes.

"Woah, nailed it", I exclaimed before feeling my stomach grumble. As soon as I tasted his pancakes, I whispered in amazement: "Holy shit, how can you cook so well?"

He smirked: "I've cooked since I was little"

"Teach me one day, please", I laughed.

"Um... yeah, okay, I'll be your cooking master from now on", he stated proudly.

"Does it still hurt?", he asked all of sudden "Your head, I mean..."

"Yes, a little bit. But my wrist hurts more"

"Peter, I'm so fucking sorry", he repeated.

"Don't be. It's not your fault. And if you went out earlier, they would beat you up too, and I didn't want that to happen"

"But maybe they would run away..."

"No, Patrick. They wouldn't be scared. Those assholes..."

"Why did they treat you like this? You haven't done anything to them, haven't you?"

"Well", a sight escaped from my mouth "Let's say we have some unfinished business"

He stared at me with a slight suspicious look, then shrugged softly and said: "I guess you need some rest; you should try to sleep for another while"


"... I'll leave you alone if you want"

"No; stay please"

"Okay", he smiled "I'll stay here and wait for you to wake up"

"Oh, and... thank you for the breakfast. It was awesome", I muttered and crept into my bedroom.

Before wrapping myself in the blankets, I felt my phone vibrate and glanced at it to see Fredericks' ID on the glossy display. I stayed still, staring at my phone, avoiding to move a hand to grab it. No one could change my mind: my boss could do whatever he wanted; he could shout at me, send his henchmen again, or even strangle me with his own hands. But I wouldn't kill Patrick. Ever. After years and years of loneliness, I had finally found someone who made my world slightly brighter for some reason, and I wasn't going to lose that "little spark of light", as Patrick said.

W e a k n e s s [Peterick  AU] - #Wattys2016Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ