Chapter 48 - Yes or No ?

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Last chapter of Kidnapped :(
Yes, there will be a sequel ^.^ but I'm still sad this book has come to an end XD

I'd like to thank you all so so much...never did I ever think that this book would get  50K reads.

It makes me so happy to see that so many of you enjoy this book and thanks for motivating me to keep it going.

I'm so so grateful to all of you ! It's like a dream come true.

I hope you all enjoy this last chapter and I will also be posting an epilogue with...well. You'll find out at the end XD

Enjoy ! <3
Characters belong to Hiro
Mashima !

~Natsu POV~

The smell of pancakes waltzed through the doors, immediately making my eyes open in anticipation and drool form at the corner of my lips.

Hmm fresh pancakes...

It's been exactly a month since all the drama finished. No more people threatening to harm me and my family. Ever since Sting and my father have died, it's been so peaceful. In fact, so peaceful that sometimes it got really boring.

One thing that's been keeping me on edge however is Lucy's damn mood swings that come along with this pregnancy. One minute she's like 'Natsu~ I love you, come sit next to me~' and the other she's like 'NATSU GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME. DONT BREATHE NEXT TO ME, DONT TOUCH ME AND DONT SPEAK.'

You have to listen to her, or else you may end up with a slipper thrown at your head. Yes, you heard me.

It was really strange for me to get used to this whole idea of becoming a 7 months I'll be holding my new born in my hands. I'll have to get a job and I'll have to be responsible.


Oh how I hate that word.

I've never really been the responsible kind. I was always a badass back then who loved to get into trouble, but now, I have to set an image for my child.

I'm worried about becoming a parent because I feel as if I wouldn't be a good role model for the child. I'd panic if it grew up to become like me.

"Natsu, what's wrong ?" Lucy said as she placed the tray with the pancakes on the bedside table. Ooh breakfast in bed. Nice.

"Nothing.." I say reaching out the pancakes. Lucy slaps my hand away and pulls the tray further so I couldn't reach.

"No pancakes until you tell me." She said.

"Ok..well's just I'm a bit nervous of our child looking up to someone like me..I'm not the best example of a parent."

Lucy's gaze softened as she placed her hand on my cheek, caressing it slightly. My eyes were immediately locked into hers. I felt weak at her touch. It was as if she owned me...well she does. She owns my heart. It only belongs and will ever belong to Lucy.

Oh yes ! That reminds me of something I was meant to do after she came out of the hospital !

I've been planning this for a while now.

It has to be perfect and memorable.

"Natsu, you may have made mistakes in the past, but you've changed now. I'd love it if our child was like the new you." She smiled. "Now eat these damn pancakes so I can start doing the dishes."

"Thanks Luce." I said grabbing a pancake from the tray and licking my lips. "Oh Luce ! How about me and you go to dinner tonight ? We've not been out in a while." I smirked. "We've also not done-"

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