Chapter 43 - Gray is Alive

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Disclaimer: Characters belong to Hiro Mashima.

Warning: Mature content and Swearing in this chapter.

~Lucy POV~

"Natsu is never going to let you away with this." I shout at Sting from the back seat. He tied my hands and feet together and put two of his men on either side of me.

"If you don't shut up, I'll add sellotape onto your mouth or maybe even stitch it together so you can never talk again." He threatened as he pressed down on the accelerator.

"Where are you taking me ?!" I keep pestering him with questions and insults despite his threats. It wasn't wise but he was driving so he couldn't exactly do anything to me right now.

"Sam, put tape on her mouth please. I'm sick of hearing her voice."

"Yes sir." Immediately one of his mean ripped off some tape and stuck it onto my mouth so that I could no longer speak.

I glared at Sting through the mirror but all he did was give a dry chuckle in return, not even feeling a bit intimidated. Well, he has the guns and two men on either side of me so I guess I should be the one intimidated. I'm not really scared for my own life, I'm scared for me and Natsu's baby's life. I didn't even realise I was pregnant until this morning. I guess after me and Natsu confessed our love for eachother we kind of...yeah...that. I didn't remember until this morning that we'd done it, it just all happened so fast. Natsu confessed his love and my emotions got the best of me and we began to kiss and yeah...basically from a kiss we went to a making a baby.

I really hope that Natsu changed his mind about having a family and that he raises our child with me. It would mean the world to me if he did.

"Get her out." I was yanked by the arms and dragged out the car. We'd arrived at a big mansion, well the big mansion that belonged to Sting which I knew far too well.

"Ill take over from here." He said grabbing my arms and ripping the tape off my mouth. "Don't talk."

"Sting, please let me go." I said more politely hoping it would change his mind.

"Of course wait let me just untie your hands....just kidding who the hell do you think I am ?!" He proceeded to drag me to the door of the mansion.

Sting pulled the door open only to reveal a man that looked a little like Natsu except in his eyes, he had pure evil. He didn't have a hint of friendliness or emotion. He looked like the kind of guy who could kill his family and yet feel no remorse whatsoever about it.

"Nice to meet you. You must be my sons girlfriend, Lucy." Oh my goodness. Is this Igneel ?! Oh I'm scared for sure.

"Y-yes." I stuttered feeling fear take over my body. Sting untied my hands and I immediately placed one on my stomach. The baby bump was just beginning to show as I was only about two month along.

I guess this was a move I shouldn't have done as Igneel's hands slowly followed my hands.

"You're pregnant with his child ?" What do I say ? If I say yes he'll hurt the child for sure because it shares the same DNA as Natsu. If I say no then if he finds out I'm lying he'll hurt me and therefore hurt the baby too. "Answer me."

"No, I'm just a bit constipated you see." I reply hoping he'll believe me. Luckily for me, he does. Or at least seems to.

"You're lying. Sting, I want her gone along with the baby. I want you to kill her."

"But Natsu won't come here if she's dead..."

"..good point. Well then keep her there with no food or water. We won't know how long Natsu will be. If he doesn't come by the end of the night I want you to kill her." He spat.

"Ok, you take her to her cell." He said pointing at one of his men. He came forward and grabbed my hand dragging me to my cell.

Once we were down the corridor he opened the door and pushed me inside but instead followed me in locking the door.

"W-what do you want from me ?!" I scream but he clamps his hand over my mouth removing his mask and his hood. My eyes widened when I saw who it was and relief flushed over me.

"Gray !" I whispered giving him a hug. "Where's Juvia ? Is she ok ?"

"Yes, I pretend killed her the other day. She's already escaped elsewhere. So Lucy, is it true ? You're pregnant ?"

"I am...I don't want anything to happen to the baby or Natsu. Can't you fake kill me too ?" I place my hand on my stomach caressing it slowly.

"Wow ! Congrats Lucy. I can't fake kill you I'm afraid because I'm already assigned to kill someone else."

"Who ?" I raised my eyebrow thinking at who else Gray was going to fake kill.

"Natsu Dragneel." My eyes popped out my sockets.

"Gray, please don't let him get hurt. I love him...just please."

"He won't get hurt...unless they decided they want to kill Natsu last minute. Let's just hope that doesn't happen, or else Natsu will be in real danger.

~ Natsu POV~

"Fuck !" I punched the wall clenching my teeth tightly together. I let those bastards get a hold of Lucy.

I grabbed the car keys and began to head down to where Sting kept Lucy. This time I had no back up with me.

I was about to head into a snake habitat all by myself. I needed to do this for Lucy. If something happened to her I'd never forgive myself.

Don't worry Lucy, I'm coming to save you...and as soon as I save you we're moving away from this cursed place to start our own lives together.

A new, fresh clean slate.


Hey everyone !! Here's an update. I'm going to be posting a Valentine day one shot book for all your favourite OTP's. :)

Comment which you'd like me to post.

I hope you liked this chapter ! And thanks for 35K you're all amazing !

So, baby NaLu...and Gray is alive ! Did you really think I'd kill off Gray? XD neverrrrr

Happy Valentine's Day !

If you're alone, don't worry. I am too XD but netlix & pizza are my baes <3

Lots of love !!

Oh and my friend @Kawjuanabriscoe has a great book out ! <3


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