Chapter 24 - Gray's 'Save NaLu' Plan.

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Character belong to Hiro Mashima :)
Warning: Mature Themes
~Natsu POV~

A week and a half has gone by since Lucy left, although it feels like I'm still stuck in that moment and that time has completely frozen.

I looked everywhere for her and ran to the doorbell every time it rang, hoping that when I opened the door I'd see her beautiful face again.

But I didn't.

I've reached the reality that she isn't coming back and that she doesn't want to be found.

I've gone back to my old habits, and gone back to my old self. The Natsu I was when I was with Lucy ran away with her.

Now it's just me, the Natsu everyone feared, but the Natsu who deep down was just scared and tired of being alone forever. The Natsu who was scared to be happy since everything that made him happy was taken away from him.

I started carrying out missions again and participated in street fights. Not to mention I started consuming lots of alcohol again when I was out with friends.

I entered the door to my empty house as I returned from tonight's fight which I obviously won. We were supposed to kill the opponents but I didn't kill them and didn't intend to anytime soon.

I stripped down and hopped into the steaming shower and started thinking about all the negative things that have happened in my life. There were so many things I thought about that my skin was begging to turn wrinkly from being under the shower for so long.

I switched the shower off and grabbed the towel. I quickly dried myself up and slipped on some boxers. I then began to make my way to the bedroom when I suddenly stood on something.

"Shit !" I cursed. I lifted my food up to see what the thing underneath it was. I examined it closer and realised that it was Lucy's necklace. She must've dropped it when she was here.

I gently scooped up the necklace and clenched my fist around it as tears began to prick my eyes.

"Lucy..." I breathed softly. "Where are you ? What are you doing ? Who are you with ? But most importantly, are you safe ?"

~Lucy POV~

The more I was here, the less I missed Natsu. I met Jellal, Erza's boyfriend and he seems really friendly. You can tell how much they love each other.

I got a message from Erza asking if I could do the grocery shopping as she was out with Jellal so I quickly got my shoes on and grabbed the list along with my bag and headed out the door.

It was winter which meant it started getting darker much earlier. I walked quickly as I wasn't a big fan of walking in the dark and couldn't help but jump at every sudden noise I heard.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I reached the grocery store. I began to add the items from the list to trolley and was done in no time.

I felt a chill going up my spine as I exited the store. It was beginning to get colder each day, in fact, I'm surprised it hasn't snowed yet.

Feeling lazy, I decided to take a short cut home. I didn't realise how much of a big mistake I made until I realised that I was being followed.

My heartbeat began to quicken as I picked up the pace. As soon as I started to pick up the pace they ran and pushed me into the wall.

"Well, well, who do we have here hmm ?" Slurred one of the men. I could smell the alcohol in his breathe making me want to throw up.

"L-let me go !" I said trying to pry him off.

"No, we haven't even had any fun with you yet !" He spoke again as his eyes raked my body.

"We got a good one boss ! Look at those curves..." Said another one of the men as he licked his lips.

"Leave some for us boss !" Said the third man.

"Not sure if I can..." Said the boss turning his attention to you.

"Let me go !" I screamed, fearing what was about to happen next.

"Nope, you're ours now."

I remembered when Natsu saved me from the restaurant people....please Natsu come and save me again. Please Natsu. Please Natsu.

"Oi ! What are you doing out here with that girl ?!" Shouted a voice from the alley way.

Wait...don't tell me....Natsu ?!

"Leave her alone !" He said swinging a punch at the guy nearest to him. It wasn't long before they all scurried away in a hurry, fearing for their lives.

"N-Natsu ! Thankyou..." I said in shock to see him standing there.

"Lucy, it's not Natsu. It's me, Gray." He said stepping out of the shadows. My heart couldn't help but drop. Don't get me wrong I was glad to see Gray but Gray wasn't Natsu.

My heart misses Natsu.

"Where have you been all this time Lucy ?! Natsu is basically dying. You should see the state he's in-"

"Don't. Please don't make me feel worst than I already do..." I said picking up the grocery bags from the floor.

"Ok, I'm sorry. But seriously, where are you staying ?" He said helping me pick up a few things that had fallen.

"Of course I'll tell you, so then you'll go tell Natsu right ? And he'll come kidnap me all over again and maybe this time he'll kill Jellal and Erza right ?" I replied sarcastically.

"What ?! Lucy, Natsu did not kill your parents. Can't you see Flare lied to split the both of you up ?"

"How do I know you're not lying just to protect Natsu ?" I says grabbing the items off him and shoving them in the bag.

"Because, I didn't speak to him for a while after Flare said that because I was pissed about what he did,  but he explained the truth to me and I could tell that he was being honest. Lucy, I know better than you that Natsu has never once killed anyone in his life."

I hesitated for a moment before beginning to speak again.

"Well, it was nice seeing you. Thanks for saving me there but I have to get going now..."

"Wait !" Said Gray grabbing onto my arm. "I'll walk you home, just to make sure you're safe."

"Sure....and maybe while we walk you can tell me a bit about you and Juvia ? I miss seeing her and following your relationships progress." I smiled.

"Fine." He sighed as we began to walk home together.

~Gray POV~

Lucy doesn't know this, but I hired those guys to follow her so that I could find out where she lived and where she was. Everything was planned and is going as planned.

Hang on Natsu, I'll revive NaLu.

Hey everyone !! Hope you enjoyed this update :) I actually kind of had a writers block haha but I just started daydreaming in class and thinking about the fanfic and I had this idea.

Not sure when the new chapter will be out but it will be soon, definitely next week anyway ^.^

Thank You so so much for everything !

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