Chapter 16 - An Unwelcomed Guest

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Oh my goodness !! 346 reads on chapter 1 and 1.9K reads !! I'm so happy thankyou all so much !!

I went to see Naruto: The Last the other day with my friend and my crush...XD and I couldn't help but think that me and Hinata were so alike. My friend was like omg ahahaha. I hope my love story ends up like NaruHina lol but I doubt it will because my crush likes someone else ugh. :-// I'm also extremely shy like Hinata ^.^

Anyway...let's begin with the new chapter haha XD


~Natsu POV~

After the She Devil gathered her belongings from Sting's house and shoved them in the back of the car, I started the car engine a desperate to head off to my house. Being in a car alone with her isn't something I fancy. I turned up the radio to avoid any further conversation with her. I wasn't in the mood at all to tolerate her.

"Do you like this song ?" She suddenly asked as Perfect by One Direction blared through the speakers. She began ' 'singing' the song, although it didn't sound like singing to me. It sounded more like my primary school teacher scraping her nails on the blackboard to get our attention. Not a pleasant sound at all.

"I liked it, until you started singing it." I said keeping my eyes focused onto the road and shutting the radio off to avoid her ruining any more songs.

"You're no fun." She pouted and slouched in the back seat. Yes Flare, of course I'd sit here and entertain you after you threatened to ruin my relationship and made me agree to a stupid deal to avoid that from happening.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I spotted my house in the near distance. One more second in this car and I would've died. Or Flare. I pulled up into the driveway and quickly jumped out the car, not even bothering to help the She Devil carry her belongings.

"Geez, you really are no gentleman." I ignored her comment and continued walking. Lucy is going to freak out when she sees me arrive with Flare. Not to mention the amount of questions I'll quite rightly receive.

~Lucy POV~

I sat in the chair flicking through various TV programmes trying to distract myself from Natsu, but failed to do so. I heard a key turning in the lock and immediately sprung off my seat when the door finally opened to reveal Natsu.

I ran up to him and engulfed him in a warm hug, nuzzling my face in the crook of his neck. I felt his arms wrap around me in return a few seconds later.

"Ahem, ahem." Coughed a red haired girl behind Natsu making us pull apart from our hug. What is that ?... I mean who is she ? "Hi, I'm Flare and I'll be living here from now on." What ?!

I felt my jaw drop. Did I seriously hear that right ? I looked towards Natsu in disbelief.

"Lucy, I'm sorry. It's a really long story but, yes she's going to be living here in your old room from now on." He gave me an apologetic look.

"But why ?" I couldn't just accept the fact that she's living here without knowing exactly why. I mean I can't be nice and welcoming to her if she threatened Natsu but if she was in trouble and Nastu saved her then I have to be nice to her. I need to know if she is here for a good or bad reason.

"I told you it's a long story and-"

"It's only 2pm Natsu, I'm sure she'd love to hear your story." Interrupted Flare. Natsu immediately shot her one of his cold glares that were enough to make anyone shut up. What are these two hiding from me ? Don't tell my Natsu got her pregnant or something !

"Lucy, she knows a secret about me, a huge one, and she's basically threatening to spill it. She either got to live here or my secret was out. I'm sorry Lucy." I couldn't help but relax a little. I'm glad it wasn't what I thought it was. I was curious to what the secret was but if Natsu wanted to tell me he would've. I don't want to push him too far.

"Bitch." I cussed turning to Flare.

"Wow. You're very welcoming aren't you ?"

"And you're very invading aren't you ? Why not go live somewhere else ?!" I shouted back at her.

"Oh please-"

"Enough !" Shouted Natsu jumping between us to split up the cat fight that was bound to occur in a matter of minutes. "Flare, go to your room. It's up the stairs and first one to the left. Don't bother sneaking around in other rooms, they're locked."

"Not even going to chum your guest to her room eh ?"

"You're not a guest here, you're an inconvenience." I tried hard to refrain my laughter after Natsu's comeback. He always had one.

Flare just stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds before picking up her suitcases and dragging them up the stairs, making loud thuds with every step she took.

"Looking forward to living here." She shouted from the top of the stairs. "Especially with Lucy ! We can be like sisters and share secrets." She slammed the door shut and left me gagging at the bottom of the stairs. Sisters ?! I don't think so.  I couldn't help but see Natsu tense everytime she mentioned the word secret.

"Natsu, what is this big secret ?" He snapped back from his thoughts and brought his attention to me.

"Nothing, trust me." It definitely didn't seem like nothing.

"Do you love her ?" I feared his response. Maybe he's choosing between me and her.

"What ?! Ew no ! Lucy I only love you. She was just someone I used to flirt with in the past and now she's holding things over me." I smiled feeling relieved he didn't like her but I felt sorry for him because he was now Flare's puppet.

"I have an idea ! How about we watch a movie ? Just me and you." I beamed at the idea. I loved spending time with Natsu, he made me the happiest person in the world.

"Sure I'd love to ! But you're making the popcorn this time." I laughed at his expression. Natsu hated cooking.

"Fine, just because I love you !" He said giving me a quick peck on the lips causing me to blush, before heading off to the kitchen. 

I sat down on the sofa and grabbed a blanket to put around the two of us. A couple of minutes later Natsu came back with the pop corn.

"Ugh, I had to fight with those things you know." I laughed at the sweat trickling down his forehead. "Not to mention I used up three packets because the other two caught on fire." I was laughing so hard I had tears falling from my eyes.

"Oh, Natsu, Natsu ! You really cannot cook at all can you." I said regaining my breathe. Natsu nodded as he turned on Netflix and we scrolled through a movie to watch.

"It's a shame they don't have Fifty Shades of-"

"Natsu !! We're not watching that !! Even if they had it !" I cringed at the thought of watching that movie with him.

"How about we watch Paraonormal Activity 4 ?" He suggested. I nodded in return and snuggled up to his chest ready to watch the movie.

"Lucy." Said Natsu all of a sudden as the movie's opening credits started.

"Hmm." I hummed in response waiting for him to say what he had to say.

"Thank you." I looked at him confused.

"For what ?"

"For understanding me." He placed a soft kiss on my head and I gave him a small smile in return before we both turned our attention back to the screen.

Unaware of an envious person watching us from the top of the stairs.

Hey everybody !! I hope you liked this chapter :) I've been feeling very stressed recently because of school. :( I just feel like poop. They stress me out too much.

I really don't like Flare ! She's definitely going to plot something evil...

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