Chapter 31 - Promises

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~Natsu POV~

We stood there hugging each other for what felt like hours. It felt so right. It's as if my heart pieced itself together again.

*Honk* *Honk*

Obviously ice princess had to ruin everything by beeping the car horn during my romantic reunion.

"Someone's coming ! Hurry up you pink headed idiot !" He shouted from the car. I looked over to his direction and noticed a red haired girl walking down the road hand in hand with a blue haired boy.

These must be the people Lucy's been staying with.

"Natsu, please don't go..." She said holding onto my hand, stopping me from running away.

"I have to Lucy. I can't be seen. I promise I will be back tomorrow okay ?" I said fixing my gaze onto her chocolate brown glossy eyes.

"Ok...bye Natsu." She smiled.

"Bye Lucy." I said gently cupping her face and giving her a small peck on her soft pink lips.


"I'm coming Gray ! Geez...calm down !" I bolted towards the car and quickly swung the door open and hopped in. I barely had time to shut it as Gray basically pressed the accelerator as soon as I stepped foot in the car.

"Geez Gray, chill." I said while clutching my heart. I could've fallen out the car and died thanks to him.

"I am chill." He said defensively. "Thanks to me, you got to see Lucy ehhh." He boasted.

"Shut up Gray, actually it was thanks to me because I decided to come here and you just wanted to tag along." I smirked.

"Whatever." He groaned as he rolled his eyes. "So you coming back here tomorrow ?"

"Yeah, I promised Lucy. Plus I have a lot of explaining to do..." I said while mentally sighing. There was so much I needed to tell her.

"Are you going to tell her about your fight with Loke that will be happening in two days ?" Asked Gray. Of course, I completely forgot about that...

"No. She can't know. That means keep your mouth shut Gray, okay ?" If Lucy knew about this, she'd be extremely mad at me. She doesn't know about my fighting history although she does know about my kidnapping and alcoholic history.

"Well, I have a strange feeling about this fight Natsu..."

"So do I, and that's why I'm not telling Lucy. Look Gray, Loke can't beat me, therefore I think he's planning to bring people to fight me. It could be anyone that I've had conflict with before and they'll definitely use Lucy to get revenge on me. If Sting was there, he'd probably hurt Lucy again...and I don't want that to happen."

Lucy saved me once already, now I have to go back to saving her this time. I need to keep her away from this mess.

"You're right. I'm sure they'd target Lucy for helping you. Right, we're home. I'm staying at your house with Juvia in case anything happens." He says as he hopped out the car. I opened the door and said hello to Juvia who greeted us warmly.

I then proceeded up the staircase to go to bed. I sure had a lot of explaining to do to Lucy, and I'm ready to tell her everything. Well...most things okay ?

At least tonight I can go to sleep with a smile on my face, knowing my dream came true.

Knowing I'll see Lucy again tomorrow morning.

~Lucy POV~

The light from the wide open curtains stroked my face causing me to scrunch my face. I felt a soft breeze coming from the open window making me shiver.

I thought I closed these last night ?

The weight on the bed suddenly lifted as I saw someone walk over to the window and shut it.

My eyes adjust to the brightness of the room as I manage to make out a pink blob. My heart immediately began beating against my rib cage.

"Natsu !!" I shouted, taking him by surprise and tackling him to the ground. "You came !" I squealed excitedly.

"Shhhh ! I sneaked in, no one knows I'm here." He said putting a hand over my lips. I nodded slowly and as soon as he removed his hand he replaced it with his lips.

My hands snaked up into his hair as I gently played with the pink strands, tugging them slightly.

A knock on my door made us suddenly jolt.

"Lucy, can I come in for two seconds ?" Asked Erza from the other side of the door.

"Y-yeah, one minute !" I shout. "Natsu ! Quick get in the wardrobe." I whisper to Natsu while shoving him in the wardrobe.

"W-wait L-lu-" I quickly shut the door in his face just as Erza walked in.

"You ok ? You look a bit...flustered ?" I heard a giggle coming from inside the wardrobe belonging to the one and only Natsu Dragneel.

I quickly began coughing to cover it up. "Yeah, just a cold. Must be the weather."

"Yeah, it has been exceptionally cold actually. Anyway, I just came to say that I'm going out with Jellal to look at wedding locations. Do you want to come or-"

"No, no Thank you ! Honestly I'm fine just you know, chilling here..." Erza suspiciously raises an eyebrow at me.

"Ok...well I guess I'll see you later." She says walking out the door.

"Yeah ! Bye !" I quickly shut the door as Natsu emerges from the wardrobe.

"How many clothes do you have in there ?! I was dying Lucy. Dying."

"Yes and you were also laughing your head off, almost making us get caught."

"Nyahahhaaha I'm so s-sorry I was just imagining your reaction w-when and said you-you look flustered nyahahhaaha !!" He said bending over laughing.

"Ha. Ha so funny." I reply sarcastically. I smack him on the back of the head causing him to stop his fit of laughter and complain about his head.

"Thanks..." He replied hurt.

"Now, I guess it's time to talk Natsu. Let's start from the night my parents were murdered. I want to know everything. Lie to me again and we're over Natsu. Ok ?" I say seriously. I only said that to make sure he'd tell me the truth because in my heart, I know that with Natsu, it will never be over.

~Natsu POV~

"I promise I won't lie ever again." I said crossing my fingers behind my back. Sorry Lucy, but if I have to lie to protect you later on then I can't keep the promise if it's your life at stake.

"Ok so the night your parents was murdered was on the...."

•Disclaimer: characters belong to hiro Mashima :) •

Hey everyone !! I'm sorry for the late update ^.^ I don't know why but I have better ideas when I write late at right now it's 1Am and like this morning I tried to write and I couldn't because I had a writers block.

The next update will be very soon so stay tuned ! We will hear the WHOLE truth about the murder night. However will more lies come with the truth ? Will we be finding out new things ?


Also please if you have time, my friend wrote a really good story on NALU & Nali and it's basically like about Natsu trying to stay faithful to Lucy without falling for lisanna or her evil tricks. Please check it out, it's by Feltonbreana123  !
She put a lot of effort in it and gives frequent updates :)


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