Chapter 12 - Warning.

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Hey everyone ! Thankyou so much for the support on this story it's honestly incredible ! <3 I hope you enjoy this chapter :) I love writing this book so much and I hope you all like it ! Sorry if this update was late :( Sorry for any typos !

Characters belong to Hiro Mashima.

~Natsu POV~

I shot my eyes open as i breathed heavily. I quickly looked over to Lucy as beads of sweat trickled down my chest. I reached for her pulse and felt a steady heartbeat.

"Just a nightmare" I said breathing a sigh of relief and going back to sleep.

The next morning I was awoken by groaning noises coming from beside me.

"Natsu it's sore...please make it stop.." She cried in pain. I walked over to her and checked her bandages incase the stitches opened.

"Hey, shh it's ok Lucy I'm here. I'll go get something to relieve the pain." I said making my way to the bathroom and getting a packet of pain killers. "Here have this." I said handing her over a water bottle and a pain killer.

"Thankyou." She said as she swallowed the pain killer.

"I'll be downstairs-"

"Please stay, don't leave me please.." My eyes widened and my expression softened into a smile as I took a seat on the bed next to her.

"What is it ?" I asked.

"I had a nightmare and in the nightmare Sting had killed you and I thought I wouldn't see you ever again.." She said as a glossy layer covered her eyes.

"Pfft don't worry about that it won't happen." I said reassuring her.

"Thankyou by the way.." She said squeezing my hand making me wince at the sudden contact.

"Y-your welcome." I said getting flustered.

"Natsu, why did you save me ? What happened to the 'I don't care about anyone apart from me' dude ?"

"Because Sting said he'd give me the bracelet if I gave him you and he didn't give me the bracelet so it was unfair if he had you and I didn't have the bracelet, he didn't keep the deal." I lied. I couldn't tell her the real reason. Love is for the weak.

"Oh." She said. "I thought- never mind..." She said. What did she think ? Part of me wanted to ask but the other part of me didn't want to know.

"Well, I'll get us some lunch." I said making my way to the kitchen.

~Lucy POV~

I thought he'd saved me because he felt something for me but I guess I was wrong, Natsu isn't capable of love. I did see another side to him though, a caring one. He cared because if he didn't he would've let me die and would have just left me in my cold room instead of letting me stay here.

My thoughts were interrupted by Natsu coming in with pizza.

"Lunch is served." He said handing me a plate with a slice on it. "Sorry, it feels like all we eat is pizza but-"

"It's ok. I love pizza after all." I said smiling at him and taking a bite of pizza.

"Lucy. Sting told me that you said you-" what did sting tell him ? "You uhm l-l-loved me ?" He said breaking eye contact.

"We all know Sting makes up things all the time..." I lied. I did say I loved Natsu but there's no point admitting it when he clearly doesn't return the feelings. One sided love sucks.

"Yeah." He said bluntly. What's wrong with him all of a sudden ?

~Natsu POV~

I was hoping she'd say yes but I guess this will always be a one sided love situation. Hopefully that will change soon. The silence that was starting to build up was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I jumped up to the door and opened it to reveal my two idiotic friends.

"Sup." said Gray casually strolling in with Gajeel.

"You two left me last night !" I shouted.

"The world doesn't revolve around you, we had our girls to get to. Now tell us how Lucy is." Said Gajeel causing my anger to boil.

"Good. Thanks to me." I scoffed.

"Can we see her ?" Asked Gray.

"No" I replied.

"Come on dude ! We saved you yesterday from Sting." Said Gajeel.

"Fine, just for five minutes only..." I said leading them upstairs to Lucy's room.

"Lucy, I hope you don't mind but these two were dying to see you." I said as Lucy gave me a puzzled look.

"Sup Bunnygirl." Said Gajeel holding out his hand for Lucy to shake.

"Yeah how you feeling Lucy ?" Asked Gray sitting down next to her as she shook Gajeel's hand.

"Yeah Lucy how you feeling since I last checked up on you ?" I said smiling at her while slyly shoving Gray off the bed and taking a seat next to her where Gray was previously sitting before he 'fell' off the bed. My jealousy was starting to get the best of me.

"I'm good thanks to Natsu." She smiled at me.

"Is he being a good little nurse ?" Mocked Gray standing up from the floor while brushing himself off.

"Yep." Giggled Lucy. Why are they making fun of me.

"Well once you're all done mocking me let me know." I said folding my arms over my chest.

"Calm down it was a joke." Said Gajeel.

"Well it wasn't a joke if I didn't laugh because jokes are meant to make people laugh right ?" I stated.

"Lucy laughed." Gray pointed out. Did he come here to piss me off, because if he did it's working.

"So ? If you speak again I'll make sure you'll never see the sun again." I said shoving Gray forcefully.

"Oh yeah flame brain want to fight ?" Said Gray attempting to punch me.

"GUYS STOP!" Shouted Gajeel getting in between us. "You're not supposed to fight in front of your girlfriend." What did he just say ?

"Girlfriend ?" Me and Lucy choked out at the same time. What world has Gajeel been living in ? Whatever world it is I'd gladly live there too, it sounds pretty perfect.

"Yes ?" Gajeel said looking confused.

"Uhm I think Lucy needs a rest, I'll escort you to the door so I can kick this guys butt." I said glaring at Gray.

"Bye Lucy !" They said as they followed me downstairs.

"What is wrong with you ?!" I shouted at Gajeel. "You guys always have to make things so awkward."

"Dude, she likes you and you like her-"

"No I don't ! Now leave please." I said shoving them out.

"Wait, before we go we have something important to tell you." Said Gray. His expression was dead serious making me worried.

"What ? Spill it." I said desperate to

"Does the name Flare sound familiar ?" He asked.

Flare ? Who's Flare ? Do I know a Flare ? ...Flare... WAIT..

"FLARE ?! As in the girl-"

"Yes Natsu...that Flare..." Said Gray looking sympathetic for once.

"What about her ?!" I ask getting agitated.

"She's back in town, looking for you..." Said Gajeel.

I was frozen. It felt like time had stopped.

One problem after the other.

Will I ever be able to find peace ?

Hey everyone !! Thanks again for reading ! I'm so sorry this update was late :) I've had a lot of homework recently and also I haven't been well. I lost my voice >.< I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter ! Please vote & comment :)

So, Flare huh...sounds like trouble.... XD why do you think she is coming for Natsu...what past do they have ?

We'll find out soon I guess XD


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