37: Promises

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They didn't mean for it to happen like this. Never in their wildest imaginations did they even think that it would end so horribly, for all of them.

At that moment Jesse regretted meeting the others, for participating in the game, for even speaking to India in the library but at the same time he didn't. If he hadn't met each other, well he wouldn't have experienced something so great, heart breaking, but great. Most likely he wouldn't have his cousin back either.

Keenan and Jesse looked similar now, despite their physical opposites. They were tapping their feet on the tiled floor of the hospital, biting their nails, and adjusting their tight clothing. People rushed around them, in their own world but some in theirs as well. Keenan's family was sitting beside him, hoping to give him some comfort and even Ms. Lockhart is handing her warm cup of coffee to Jesse; something's never change.

Ben and Claire, although they were doctors couldn't do anything, even though they rushed to the hospital when they got the news. They couldn't help because well the girls weren't there yet. They were all waiting worriedly to receive news which came around the corner in a herd.

Keenan's friends rounded the corner and Keenan took the time to notice that three months ago he never thought he would be talking to half of the kids around him, i.e. Jesse and Luna. And even Aurora too.

Funny how fate brings certain people into your life and sometimes takes them away too, just as quickly.

"Do you have any news," Jesse asked urgently. He needed to know that India was okay. He couldn't lose her, not right after he got her back.

Luna traded glances with Keenan's football team around her, Ajax, Aiden, Lee, Ivan, and Kasper. They looked at her helplessly, hoping she would speak up on their behalf.

Finally she looked up to Jesse and Keenan, tears misting her eyes for the first time in years. With a quivering voice she says, "The police only found one of them."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean," Jesse shouted angrily. He wasn't patient enough for her vague answers.

She looked down, biting her lip to keep from crying. Ajax stepped up to hold her hand. Jesse was about to yell at them again for wasting precious time when Luna whispered, "India was in the car. They spent thirty minutes prying her out."

Jesse sighed a breath of relief, sitting back in his chair. He held his head in his hands and thanked the God that India made him believe in again. Claire offered him her hand, rubbing it on his back in circles.

While everyone seemed so please to hear the news that India was found they seemed to forget that Aurora wasn't found. Except for Keenan.

"What about Aurora," he whispered, afraid to look at Luna and hear the news.

Hours seemed to pass by before he got an answer.

"They can't find her. She was ejected from the car because she wasn't wearing a seat belt."

"But . . ." Keenan panted, his vision began to go out. Quickly his father grabbed him and sat him down again. "The river . . ."

Luna sadly nodded her head while Ajax whispered, "They're looking Keenan."

Just then the doors burst open and a gurney surrounded by three paramedics came rushing through. Keenan barely noticed that India was in it.

Jesse shot up from his seat and joined the paramedics by the gurney. Nurses and Ben took the gurney from them.

"India," Jesse whispered, grabbing onto her hand. Her face was scratched, causing blood to be smeared on it and her once white dress was soaking wet with rain water and Jesse noticed a drops of blood on it as well. But she was staring at him, she was okay.

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