1:Welcome to Greenfield High

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I Don't Know by Gavin James
Picture is Jesse Cress

Jesse Cress kept his head down as he walked through the halls of Greenfield High School. He ignored the group of geeks laughing loudly by their lockers, sharing some Star Wars joke, he avoided the posse of cheerleaders off to the right by the fountain, a few eying him with hunger or distaste, he distanced himself from the clan of stoners walking carelessly through the halls, high fiving everyone and sharing dopey smiles.

When the students at GFHS put each other into groups they always threw Jesse along with the stoners or the Goths but he wasn't friends with either. He wasn't friends with anyone actually.

After the incident three years ago, sophomore year, Jesse lost all his friends to Keenan Lockhart. Like any human would they sided with the rich jock who was the king of the school. No one wanted anything to do with the son of a murderer and he couldn't blame them. He didn't want anything to do with himself either.

But there was one person who would not give up on Jesse much to his displeasure. Lee Cook. He was the one person in the hallways that he couldn't avoid no matter how hard he tried. Well of course Jesse stopped trying to avoid him last year when he figured out how mad Keenan got every time Lee spoke to him.

As Jesse was sidestepping a couple of cheerleaders, the football team turned the corner the hallway and parted the sea of students in two. In the south western town of Greenfield, football is taken very seriously. The football team is as well known in the state as the Dallas Cowboys are, mainly thanks to their unbeatable defense and their impractical offence.

So as they walk through the hallway Jesse doesn't bother to get in their way. He steps off to the side and changes the song on his phone to something louder and angrier.

Of course, once he passes, Lee puts a hand on Jesse's shoulder making him look up with a disinterested look like always. Lee said something that Jesse couldn't hear thanks to his song so he quirked his lips at Lee before turning around and heading for the front doors. No way was he going to stay for math, angry aunt be damned.

He looked over his shoulder just in time to see Keenan shove Lee with a scowl. He could be so damn possessive at times.

Keenan watched as Jesse pushed open the main doors of the school. How he could ditch school so easily was always a wonder to Keenan. He could stand up in the middle of class and walk right out and no one would say anything. It was probably because people stopped caring about his future, they all thought he would end up in prison just like his dad anyways.

Keenan turned back to Lee with a scowl. "Why the hell do you say hi to him all the damn time?" Lee stopped rubbing his shoulder where Keenan shoved him. Sometimes he could be too rough and he wouldn't even know it. He would be just as good at defense as he would offence if he wasn't such a god at throwing a perfect spiral.

"He's my friend Keenan," Lee grumbled, "why don't you stick a tampon up your ass huh? You need it."

Keenan snarled as his best friend walked away. He didn't think he needed to explain that Lee wasn't allowed to talk to Jesse Cress, not if he wanted his nose broken. Being friends with somebody meant that your enemies were their enemies but apparently Lee didn't get the message.

"Man you coming," the wide receiver Aiden called from farther down the hallway.

Keenan snapped himself out of his thoughts and went to join his crew. Since the boys practiced separately and had a different view point of the game the offense of team and the defense were practically two separate friend groups. Even then the imagined idea of a football team all being one big group of friends who wore their jersey all the time was a myth at Greenfield high.

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