2:First Introduction

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Ho Hey by The Lumineers
Picture of and Aurora Willis

Jesse didn't hear the arrival of his aunt when she got home that Friday evening. His music was turned up as loud as he could have it without going deaf. He just finished recording a song yesterday so now it was time to make a beat that would fit nicely with what he wrote.

Most people thought Jesse spent his time punching people's faces in like his brother was known for but Jesse only knew what every other guy his age knew, if you're going to throw a punch, hit hard.

Since his father was convicted of murder Jesse had moved in with his aunt, his only soul guardian since his brother didn't bother to stay to take care of him.

He spent all his time now devoting himself to his music so he could possibly get out of the town he had grown to hate so much. It was his dream to go out into the real world and make a name for himself, one that no one knew about. He was tired of being the son of a murder or the brother of the infamous Justin Cress.

Jesse jumped three feet in the air when his aunt came running down the stairs of his basement slash bedroom.

"Yeah," he asked, pulling his head phones over his head.

"I've been calling your name for minutes now Jesse. I need your help with the groceries," she huffed before spinning on her heel and walking up the stairs to her bedroom.

Jesse rolled his eyes but did as she asked him to. His aunt Stella had tried very hard to be a parent and friend to him when he lost everyone but when he continued to shut her out, she gave up.

She spent most of her time either at the hospital working or in her bedroom relaxing. They hardly ever saw each other and tried to stay out of each other's ways for their own sake.

Jesse hauled in the multiple bags from the trunk of his aunt's car on the side of the road, with the large bundle of toilet paper stacked on top. With his vision gone he didn't see the girl running down his sidewalk and therefore, smacked right into her.

He held on tight to the groceries, knowing that if he dropped anything breakable he would be the one that would have to go back to the store which he didn't want to do. He heard the yelp and thump from the girl as she fell backwards onto the pavement.

Jesse twisted his body so he could see the pretty girl groaning on the sidewalk, her hands slightly bleeding from scrapping against the ground. Jesse noticed first thing that her shirt was tight against her body, same with her running pants which shot images into his brain. Her curly brown hair was pulled back into a pony tail which showed off her slender neck.

Jesse didn't bother to ask if she was okay because he's learned that when he tries to be nice to people in this town, they'll only back fire at him. He walked around her and backup to his front door.

"Um excuse me," she yelled angrily, "aren't you going to ask if I'm okay?"

She shot up from the ground and ran to catch up with Jesse.

He rolled his eyes when she stopped in front of him, blocking way into his house. "Are you okay," he asked blandly.

"You're an asshole," she seethed. "What is your problem?"

"My problem," he laughed. "My problem is that you aren't letting me into my own home."

"Well my problem is that you are rude."

Jesse raised his brow and analyzed the girl in front of him, making her shift on her feet. "I haven't seen you here before which is odd because it's a small town. I would know who you are and you would know who I am, therefore staying the hell away from me."

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