36: The Best Night of Our Lives

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We are young by Fun

"Are you sure this looks good," India asked for the hundredth time.

Aurora groaned. Frustrated she said, "India you look beautiful. Stop asking."

India blushed, not taking her eyes off of her in the mirror. "I just . . . I'm not used to seeing myself like this."

Aurora jumped into the view of the mirror, sporting the pale pink long formal dress she had bought a week earlier. Her hair was pulled up into a bun that let out loose curls. "I feel like I'm about to go on a date with a billionaire."

India giggled, spinning in a circle so her white and gold dress flew out around her. "I'm not that rich Aurora. You'll be greatly disappointed."

Aurora pouted. "Shame, I was only flirting with you for your money."

India shook her head, laughing as Aurora pulled her into the view of the mirror again, by her side. "It's going to be a fun night," Aurora said a grin on her face. Suddenly it vanished. "Oh my god I forgot to shave my armpits."

Aurora went screaming into her bathroom as India looked back into the mirror.

Aurora's Mom, Kelly, helped curl and pin India's hair to the side, letting it fall down her shoulder. Nervously, she ran her hands over her dress, looking down at her high heels and white painted toe nails.

Having only a father as a parent for so long had left India to miss out on the parts that make being a girl fun . . . and painful.

She felt guilty for having to lie to her father about where she was going tonight. Fair enough, she told him that she was going out to dinner with Aurora (which she was) and then going back to her house for a sleep over(which she was). It was a girls' night and her father believed her.

She looked back into the mirror and as she distantly heard Aurora yelling at Eric to get out of the bathroom she couldn't ignore the fluttering in her stomach. It wasn't the good kind of fluttering like she got when she was around Jesse but the bad. The kind that people get when they know that something bad is going to happen.


"I need water!"

A minute later Keenan ran into the room, a frown on his face and a glass of water in his hand. He slammed it on the bedside table next to Jesse.

"There you go, your highness."

"I expect more respect coming from you peasent." Jesse smirked, grabbing the class of water from the table. Keenan huffed and turned to leave the room. As he was about to Jesse called out. "Wait, this water is to cold. Take some ice cubes out of it, will you?"

Keenan turned around in a fury and stomped up to Jesse. "I'm not your damn slave Jesse!"

"But you were the one who volunteered to help me as I recovered from the surgery."

"Yeah help, not serve."

"Fine, do what you want." Jesse waved him off. "Aunt Claire! Keenan won't-"

Keenan shot out his hand to cover Jesse's mouth. "You win, you little brat," Keenan spit. "What do you want?"

"I wolth rike ith if you thook youth hand off my mowrth."

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