11: Canadians on American History

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Passing Time by Heffron Drive
Picture of Keenan

"The new girl is feisty as always," Ajax said, once he gotten over her crude introduction. "Long time no see."

Turning to Jesse she ignored her science partner and said, "Are we going to set up the tent or what? It's about to get dark soon."

India didn't know what to make of Aurora who she knew from science class but she definitely didn't like her. India wondered if Aurora was the girl from the phone call and after hearing her voice again she realized that yes, she was the one in library boy's house.

She swallowed back the bad feeling in her throat that made her chest ache.

"I could help you set up the tent if you want," Keenan offered, hoping against hope that Aurora would accept.

Of course she didn't, and quite rudely.

"I would rather eat bricks rich boy," Aurora snapped. She grabbed Jesse's wrist and pulled him back to his Jeep to gather their things.

While they did so Keenan and India both glared at them. So far things weren't working out for either of them.

"Well this just got interesting," Ajax said cheerfully.

"Why do you say that," his girl Nora asked.

"Um well," Ajax said nervously. He didn't know how to answer that question so Keenan stepped in to help him.

"Ajax will you help set up mine and India's tent? I need to talk to Jesse," Keenan grumbled.

"Wait we're sharing a tent," India asked surprised. "I thought I was sharing one with Luna."

"We'll be right back," Luna said, grabbing her friend's arm and dragging her away before Keenan could answer. She dragged her all the way to a fallen log at the edge of the clearing. With their backs facing the rest of the group Luna started talking.

"Okay first things first, is Jesse the boy from the library you were telling me about?" India could tell from Luna's expression that she wasn't very happy.

"I guess," she mumbled sadly, looking over her shoulder to see him and Aurora walking back from the Jeep.

Luna hit India hard on the arm. "Ow," India cried, "what was that for?"

"No more checking him out alright," Luna ordered. "He is bad news India, really bad. I don't want him to hurt you!"

India sighed and dropped her head into her hands. "I think Aurora is the girl he was talking to the other night. They're obviously together so it doesn't matter anyways." India didn't want to admit how hurt she really felt from having to find out that the one guy she has liked since middle school has a girlfriend, and a really pretty one at that.

"I'm sorry," Luna said genuinely, reaching out to wrap her arm over her shoulders. "But it's good that he's taken. He would only hurt you."

India wanted to say that he already did but she didn't want to make a bigger deal out of it all. She did promise Keenan that she would stay away from him anyways and India thought that was a good idea now.

India lifted her head back up again to look at her friend. "What about the tent situation?"

"Oh." She adverted eye contact, instead looking away to the line of trees. "Well I kind of wanted to sleep in the same tent as Aiden," she mumbled.

"Luna," India squeaked. "You want to sleep in the same tent as a boy?"

Luna turned back to India. "I'm not a virgin anymore India and I have to admit that sex is kind of well," she paused, "addicting."

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