Descent Into Darkness Part 51

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*Blows dust from keyboard* Um, hi? Is anyone still there? Uh, GhostNinja's back, if anyone cares. I wanted to let everyone know, and to apologize for my absence. Things have been...weird, to say the least. Since I last updated, I've moved cross country, four times. Like, literally from Illinois to California, from there to Pennsylvania, then back to California, and now to New York. You all have my deepest apologies, if anyone still cares, and I have some news. I'll be back now, updating weekly, with at least two pages per. Any questions, feel free to message me, or even become my friend on Facebook (you can find a link to my Facebook on my profile). As always, I hope you enjoy this new installment, and I promise, no more two year absences for me.

Tanos laughed, clapping his long-fingered hands. "Then do I have a tale for all of you."

Tanos regaled them with the story while Phoenix looked on, amused. Once he'd finished however, he face soured. "Alas, I bring other news,not funny stories." He sighed, and leaned back in his chair."Demetrius' army has moved to the shores of Brisiris. I know not what they plan to do, but they have established a camp on the northern shores of the Unending Ocean, and more ships arrive everyday. They bring men, soldiers, and the support needed for a full scale invasion."

"They have not invaded thus far? Demetrius' men run rampant through these lands, killing, burning, and plundering," Lindani scoffed, crossing her arms defiantly, which earned her a sideways glare from Ember.

Tanos bit his bottom lip. "Those have been little more than raiding parties, sent to test our mettle, probe our defenses, weaken us for the actual force. Phoenix, you and your friends here have already disrupted Demetrius' plans more than you know. The army you killed on the road, before you split from them? Those were five thousand of his best. You killed almost half of them, and the others scattered, being killed by farmers and the occasional warrior they came across. Those were supposed to raze Brisiris, but you intervened, which has caused him to rethink his strategy. He now comes at us with all he can muster."

"How many?" Ember asked, her eyes hard.

"Seven thousand. That number included his eight hundred elementals. He had a standing army of more than twenty thousand, but you and your family have killed many, there were other cities and villages who stood up for themselves and killed thousands, and many were lost to disease, accidents, and a host of other things."

Ember grimaced. "Six thousand fighting men, and eight hundred elementals? Our army, with Ahna's troops, only stands at a thousand and a half fighting men, and two hundred elementals. How are we to best an opponent who outnumbers us four to one?"

"With wit, and allies you not know not of," came Lian's voice, who stood forgotten behind Phoenix.

Ember raised a brow. "Allies we know not of? Speak plainly, woman, not in riddles."

Lian bowed her head slightly. "There is a woman who comes, one known only to Phoenix and myself, a warrior of unbridled power and wisdom, and brings with her a fighting force that we will desperately need."

Phoenix was a surprised as anyone to hear this, and he turned to the Eastern woman. "Who?"

"I sent word to Elaina just a few days after we arrived. Kelissa was kind enough to lend me a horseback messenger without asking questions, and that messenger returned two weeks ago. I expect her arrival any day."

Phoenix closed his eyes, remembering the hurt and pain he had inflicted upon Trontem and Elaina, which caused a dark feeling to flood his heart . "Elaina would as soon kill me than ally with me."

"She does not ally with you, Phoenix, but with Brisiris, her home. Furthermore, she knows what the stone did to you, and holds you blameless."

Ember interrupted before Phoenix could reply. "Elaina? Of whom do you speak?"

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