Descent Into Darkness Chapter 50

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"Even if you are right, and we confront her, she will deny it, take her soldiers and leave, possibly to align with Demetrius against us, or even lie in wait until both sides have suffered losses and swoop in like a vulture. What do you expect us to do?"

Lian's smirk came back. "At this moment? Nothing. I will return in a few moments. Please, talk amongst yourselves until I return." With that she turned and walked out of the door, disappearing into the crowd on the street.

Phoenix turned to Ember's inquisitive gaze, shrugging. "I know not what she means, I am as bewildered as you."

"She is volatile, Phoenix," Ember said. "Can you control her?"

Phoenix shook his head. "No, I cannot. But, she does not need controlling.She will never hurt anyone who does not warrant it, that much I know.She simply has less tolerance for politics than you or I."

Lindani scoffed at that, turning her head. "You? Tolerance for politics?"

Phoenix smirked. "Much has changed, Lindani. More than you know, and more than I will admit to."

"Says the man who expects us to believe he is a god from on high to come save us mere mortals."

"I expect you to believe nothing," Phoenix replied, keeping his voice even and playful, though he did not appreciate the venom in hers. "I simply state the fact that Lian has a way of getting things done,without waiting for approval."

Lindani huffed again and silence fell, lasting until Lian entered the home again, walked past Phoenix and the others to the door that led to the woods, opened it, and brought back a man in the armor of Lanaro,trussed up like a pig, hands tied to his ankles and a gag tied round his head.

Ember gasped when Lian unceremoniously threw him onto the heavy wooden table, his helmet bouncing off the surface with a dull 'thunk'. Lian smirked and removed the man's gag, putting her nose an inch from his."Tell them what you told me, and leave nothing out or I shall burn your manhood from your body."

The man nodded, his eyes full of frantic fear. "Plans were laid long ago to conquer Brisiris. When Demetrius came to Brisiris those plans were halted. We have orders to stay out of the fighting as much as possible, and to await orders to attack the Brisirian forces once Demetrius' have been dealt with."

"Seehow much easier that was? I did not even have to hurt you."

Ember's rage bubbled over, and she seemingly forgot the soldier's presence when her dagger slammed into the tabletop, inches from the man's thigh. "What have you done? Now, Ahna will know that we are aware of her plans and attack now, or withdraw her much-needed forces!"

"Why would she be aware?" Lian replied haughtily, replacing the man's gag.

"Because now we either have the choice of killing this man and hiding his body to make him look like a deserter, or letting him go free and he will tell Ahna we know of her plans," Ember hissed from between gritted teeth.

"We will do neither." Leaning close to the man, Lian asked him if he would tell Ahna that her machinations had come to light, and he shook his head earnestly. "But," Lian said, taking the dagger Ember had driven into the wood and circling his eye with the tip, "if she were to find out, I will know it had come from you, and I would then kill both your wife and your son, understood?"

The man nodded once more, sweat dripping from the side of his face,pooling on the table, and Lian sliced through the bonds on his hands and feet. He jumped up and ran for the door, not even using his knew found freedom to remove the gag from his mouth. "And that, my dearest Ember, is how you retrieve information."

"Lian, he will speak to her of this, but I can only hope your threats will make him wait until a more fortuitous time."

Lian nodded, and the door of the home burst open once more, Doritan leaning with one hand against the heavy frame. "More," he panted."More have arrived."

"Who is it? Friend or foe?" Ember asked, coming around the table.

"I know not, but he brings a host with him."

The four left through the front door, Phoenix looking back to see Lian slipping out of the back door. Ember led them to the square, and Phoenix recognized the thin man at once, even though he was facing away from them, studying the fire in the center of the square intently.

"Tanos!" he called, raising a hand in greeting, moving in front of Ember and the others. The man turned, a smile coming to his face when he laid eyes on Phoenix. "My dearest Phoenix, I had hoped you had made your way back here."

"I have," Phoenix replied, extending his arm, and Tanos grasped it. "I have often wondered how you dealt with the loss of your little cult."

"All in Marlbon is well. We have heard a great many stories of your deeds and misdeeds, and when the call for assistance came from Yaag, I could not resist."

Phoenix opened his mouth to reply, but Tanos held up a hand. "We should only speak in private, Phoenix, for I have much to tell you."

Phoenix looked to his sister, who stood silently watching, and raised a brow,and she returned an almost imperceptible nod. Phoenix gestured for Tanos to follow him, and made his way back to the home.

Phoenix opened the door and gestured him inside, bringing him to the thick wooden table and offering him a chair. Tanos took it, crossing his legs with his usual flair, looking up to the rafters with a smirk."Ember, daughter of Doritan, Spedro and Lindani, children of Yinai, I have looked forward to meeting you all for quite some time."

Spedro's eyebrow went up, and Phoenix knew that was as close to nonplussed he had ever been. "You knew my parents?"

"Knew them, no, know of them, yes."


Tanos did not answer, looking back up to the rafters. "Hello, Lian. How I have missed you."

Lian dropped from the dark rafters, from exactly where he was gazing,landing in a crouch before standing straight and regaling him with her trademark scowl.

Ember's mouth fell open. "You saw her?"

"No,not at all. I just knew where she would be. She chooses the most defensible and darkest part of a room, then waits for something to go wrong."

"H-how do you know all this?"

"Phoenix,my dear boy, have you not told them where you acquired Lian?"

"No,I had not."

Tanos laughed, clapping his long-fingered hands. "Then do I have a tale for all of you." 

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