Chapter 26 - Trainwreck

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Demi's POV

I wasn't going to cry about the mistakes i've done. Now that I confirmed it with myself and to my best friend, well, use to be best friend, then i'm ok. I got out of the car and paparazzi was everywhere asking about me cuts. I don't know how they know but I turned around and said "Every star has issues, i'm as normal as any other teenager but some things people keep to themselves but soon they will speak up about them. One way...or another." I turned around and Max but his hand on my back and we walk into the airport.

Max got my ticket and told me that everyone is already on they are just waiting for me. I got my bag and headed to the plane. As I walk in the plane I can hear someone talking to about me. I stop nad wait to fully listen.

"Yeah, look there are the cuts on her wrist. It's the 2nd time the media has seen them. That little bitch needs to think about other people's career that works with her. This can ruined our careers, ALL of ours. Dumbass emo bitch." I knew who it was. I walk on the plane and drop my bags and bunch Briley in the face.

"You little bitch! You were a close friend of mine but your just a fake! You don't know what i've been threw! You have no reason to judge me!" I yelled with tears rolling down my face as Joe had a hold of my arms and took me off the plane. Briley was covering her face and people surrounded her.

"Demi!" Joe yelled getting my attention.

"What Joe?! I don't want to talk to you."

"I don't care, You need to calm down, what you just did, made matters worst!" I whip my tears. I wasn't crying because i'm upset. I'm crying because I was made and seeing Joe's face was making me madder.

"I'm done touring with you guys." I said trying not to sound to hateful.

He look at me with a confused face, "Demi, you're saying that because you're upset."

"No, I'm saying that because I mean what I say." I said and grab my bag, "Sorry Joe, you got a career ahead of you and I don't want to be the downer. Briley is right, I'm going to ruin a bunch off peoples careers because of my stupidity...Goodbye." I said walking out of the plane.

"Demi!" Joe yelled but I kept on walking.

I got halfway threw the airport and my phone was ringing, "Hello?"

"Demi?" Mom said with a scratchy voice.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I ask confused.

"Honey, please be honest with us." I heard dads voice.

"Ok, what?" I said calmly but was panicing on the inside.

"Have you been harming yourself, still?" He ask. They knew I starved myself and I guess they thought I stop but no. They don't know about me cutting and purging.

I might as well and let it all out because I can't hold it in anymore. I took a deep breath "Yes, i've been starving, purging, and cutting myself. Also..I just punch Briley and got off the lane. I ended my tour with the boys." I had to confess.

Then I heard them break down evern more. Mom was officially sobbing and I can hear Dad sniffle. I cried along with them.

"Demi?" I heard Maddie. I raised my head up and was in shock. I wanted to be something that Maddie can look up to. I don't want her to do stuff I did at all.

"Yeah?" I said sobbing and continued to dry one tear off another off my face.

"I don't know what you're going threw completely and I'm your sister, well stepsister, but I wish you knew I was here for you. I maybe younger but I act mature more then you think. I will always be hear weather to listen or for you to cry on my shoulder, but I will always look up to you no matter what because yu're my sister and my inspiration." Maddie said.

I broke down then and there and feel to the ground. "Maddie, I love you."

"I love you too. Here's mom and dad." Maddie said.

"Honey, we got you a plane to take you to a treatment center called Timberline Knolls. If you don't go we have people that will force you on that plane." I raised y head and look around and saw a bunch of security guards, even Max.

I took a deep breath, "Fuck you guys I hate you right now.

"I know, you hate the world right now." Eddie said.

"Alright, I'm going, but let's not tell the public just yet, ok." I said standing up.

"Alright, I'm sorry baby girl I didn't notice your pain. Cya soon." mom said and the phone called ended and once again I broke down. I Max came behind me and turned me around. We hugged and cried in his chest.

"Come on, lets go before it's dark," he said as he grab my bags and handed them to a worker to put them in the airplane that I am getting on. I walk on the plane and Max sat beside me. I laid my head on Max shoulder and thought everything threw. I was still crying I tried to stop but that wasn't working out. Max whip the tears off my face. I'm glad he's here for me, He's like a big brother to me. He told me to sleep and that I needed it. He'll contact my manger when we land. I took a deep breath and close my eyes. I instantly fell asleep.

Gift Of A Friend [Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez - Delena/Semi fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now