Chapter 4 - Party

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"Girls get up, it's almost 10:30." Mom said opening the curtains. Me and Selena moan and covered our faces with our pillows.

"Get up, come one we got to get ready." Mom said and threw the pillows off of us onto the floor.

"For what?" I whined throwing my arms down on the bed.

"I'm going to take y'all somewhere, but i'm not telling you." Mom said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Really? A Surprise?" I gave her a look, "Don't you think we are to old for that." I ask.

"Nope." Mom responded quickly. Selena and I giggled. "Now get up." She said and pull the covers off.

"Ok, ok." I said sitting up. "Selena, go take your shower first." I commanded her.

"Ok." Selena got up went to her duffle bag and grab her close then left the room.

"Ok, i'll tell you but you can't tell Selena. Ok?" Mom said.

"Alright, what y'all doing?" I said.

"Selena's mom is throwing her a party for her getting the lead roll on that Disney show." Mom said with a big smile.

"Thats awesome!" I said with excitement, "She is going to flip a good way." I smirk.

"Alright," mom says and pats my leg. "When she gets out you need to go take you a shower to." She said and gets up about to leave my room.

"Wait, what time does it start?" I ask turning my body towards her.

"Around 6 tonight." She said with her hand on the door knob about to shut it.

"Alright." I said and mom shut the door. I think she was going to fix us something to eat. It's most likely going to be pankcakes. While Selena was in the bathroom taking a shower I started getting stuff ready for her. I was bored so I was going to put her make up on and do her hair. Selena is like my other sister and me and my sisters always play with each others hair and did each others mae up.

"Girls it's ready!" mom yelled from downstiars.

"Be down in a bit!" I yelled and turn my flat iron on. I walk down the hall and as I pass the bathroom Selena open the door and came out. She was in her PJs still and ha her hair up in a towel.

"Come eat." I said grabbing her by the wrist and started heading for the stairs to go down. We got in the kitchen and sat at the table.

"Pancakes!" Selena yelled. I look over at her trying keep a straight face and couldn't so I started dying laughing.

"Grow up." I said teasing her.

"I don't wanna grow, I wanna be a toys R us kid!" She started to sing the theme song to ToysRUs in a kiddy voice. Me, mom, and Selena died laughing. Selena is in a good mood. I think it's because she is so excited for being on Disney.

"Pass the syrup." Mom said giggling and reach her hand out across the table as I handed it to her. It was quiet for a few seconds. All you could hear was the TV in the living room that you could see it from the kitchen and dinning room.

"So Selena," mom started and was chewing her food, "you excited for being on Disney?"

"Yeah, I know i'm going to be nervous at first but I'll get use to it." Selena said in a calm voice.

"When is it that you're leaving?" Mom ask. I as just sitting their trying to finish my pancake so I can't get my shower done before she gets done eating so I can do her makeup and hair.

"Umm... This coming up weekend, I think." She said and continued eating her pancake.

"I'm done." I said and stand up with my plate in my hand taking it to the counter beside the sink.

Gift Of A Friend [Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez - Delena/Semi fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now