Chapter 9 - Stay Stay Stay

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Demi's POV

It's been 3 months since me and Selena have hangout. She talks to me every now and then but not daily like she use to.

In school me and Selena were best friends as well. Selena was the popular one and I guess you could say I was in the middle between popular and non-popular, but when I was near Selena people would treat me like her and be nice because they know if they did something to me Selena would snap but when i'm not around Selena that's when my nightmare continues.

Ever since Selena left my life has reach it's worst. I go to school everyday and people treat me like shit.

I got out bed and look at the clock on my phone.

"I'm late! Shit!" I said out loud getting up and running to my closet. I grab something that is easy to put on and is comfortable. I got my black PINK jogging pants from Victoria Secret, a white V neck with a black tank top to go under and then I ran in Dallas room and borrowed her black north face jacket. Mine is grey but it wouldn't look right. I ran back to my room while putting it on. I got to my bathroom and grab two ponytails and put my hair up in a bun then I put a black headband in.

The bus is here. I grab my phone and house key and ran outside with Maddie and got on the bus. I ran to the back of the bus where middle school and high schoolers sit.

"Hey." I said sitting down. No one replied they was to busy listening to this guy, I leaned in to hear what he was talking about.

"Yeah, Selena; Selena Gomez is apart of Disney." He said but I interrupted him.


"She is like what 14, I stop watching Disney when I was 12, she's just doesn't want to grow up, she is to old for that stuff." He said then some giggled.

"So you're talking shit about Selena because she is better than you."

"What?" He ask confused but you can tell he was getting mad but I don't care.

"Yeah, she is younger than you, already has a job and makes more money than you than you do in 4 years." Everyone 'ew'

"Bitch." He said in a whisper.

"Thank you." I said with a smile which threw him off.

We got to the elementary schools and the little kids went off the bus, then the bus took us across the street which was were middle and high school was. Everyone got out and went inside. It was 1st period and a lot people in the class was going to bother me for sure. I went to my locker and headed to 1st period. I walk in the classroom and sat in my assigned seat. Next thing you know, here comes the popular kids. They hangout with Selena but when I wasn't around Selena, they treated me like shit.

"Hey Demi." One of the girls said from behind me.

"Yeah." I responded trying to stay calm.

"Turn your fat ass around." She commanded and her crowd (I guess you could say) laugh.

I turned and around still trying to stay calm. "What?"

"I heard you told my brother off on the bus this morning." She said.

"Nope, help him by correcting him." I said.

"Well let me help you." She said with a smile leaning in over her table, "Eat more salads." her crowd laugh.

I stand up and look at her, "Why do you treat me like that? I'm not different than anyone in this school, yeah i'm maybe best friends with a girl who works on Disney, so what?! At least i'm her friend and I stick up for her. Y'all act like her friends but y'all are just wannabes." I just blurt all that out, "So what do you treat me like this?" I said clamly trying to not let the tears fall from my eyes. I knew they were already watering.

They had nothing to say back. The teacher walk in so I sat back down and from the rest of the day. I continued to get bullied by them, but I never said nothing back because it's going to go threw one ear and out the other. I just look away from them everytime they talk. I put my hood from my North Face jacket over my head and plug my earbuds in my phone and turned the volume up and played my playlist. I walk around school and ignore everyone, no one could see my face I was crying. Everything they've said today and in the past repeated in my head. It was like louder than my music. I went into the bathroom crying. I turned my music off and called mom.

"Hello?" Mom said in a confused voice.

"Come. ge-t me." I said sniffing from were i've been crying, "I can't t-ake it no-more."

"What's going on?" Mom said in a worried voice.

"i just can't take this any-more." I said whiping the tears off my face. Mom knows i've been dealing with this a lot but recently is been a lot bad than ever.

"Alright, honey i'm on my way. I'll call the office and tell them that you're going to leave school." She said in a worried voice still.

"For good?" I ask getting ready to walk out of the bathroom.

Mom took a deep breath then said "For good...Go clean out your locker."

"Ok, Love you bye." I said then hung up my phone and headed to my locker. They hallways were clear, everyone was already in class. I walk around the corner  and headed to my locker. I got my duffle gym back and started putting all of my stuff in it. I got my english/writing book and my math book and took it to the teachers. They both ask me why am I turning them in and I told them quietly so the class won't hear me that I'm going to be home schooled.  

"Demi Lovato report to the reception desk. Ready to go home." They women said over the intercom. I went walk out of my math class and headed to the reception desk, which is in front of the building. That's were you check people in and out of school and other stuff but mainly that. I walk in and there was mom I look at her and started crying and ran and hug her.

"Demi, i'm sorry sweetheart." She said.

"It's not your fault, just get me out of here." I said between sobs and letting go over her. The reception desk women look at us, she was confused.

Mom check me out and took me home. She pulled in the driveway and said "I'm sorry I know you don't want to talk about it right now but we can when Dad and I get home. There is some Hot Wings in the frezzer, go wash your face off and take you a nap. I know you're tired. I'll call Maddies school and let them tell Maddie that you aren't riding the bus but for her to still ride it."

I got out of the car and pulled out my keys and went inside then lock the door. I look out the window on the door and saw mom backing up. I took off running to my room and threw my bag on my bed and ran straight into my bathroom. I grab my blade and just started cutting. I went deep in both my wrist but not deep enough to make me have to go to the hospital. I wanted to end my life now, but I can't because I have a suicidal contract, but they can't do nothing if I'm dead. I was crying, i've been crying so much today I'm surprise I haven't run out of tears. I run water over my wrist for like 10 minutes. I dried my wrist off then I hid my blade. I ran and jump on my bed and laid there. I raised my shirt up, i'm hungry, but i'm fat. I'm skipping lunch as well, I already miss breakfast. I ran into the bathroom and raised the toilet lid up and but my fingers in the back off my throat and began to throw up, the acid began to burn my throat. I sound like a dying chicken every time I talk. Where i've purge so many time, it's damage my throat and I squeal when I talk and laugh. I wipe my mouth off and ran back and jump on my bed. I covered myself up;  having suicidal thoughts. I just stared at the ceiling and was getting sleepy.

"Stay, Stay, Stay." I said out loud to myself trying to persuade myself not to give up and then I feel asleep.

Gift Of A Friend [Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez - Delena/Semi fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now