Chapter 25

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A/N: Okay so I know I said that I wouldn't update until I got a comment but I figured that there might be some people that read this story that don't have an account or just don't comment and I decided to update anyways so here it is.

Normani’s POV


“Hey, Normani?” Dinah came up to me while I was doing my hiar.

“Yeah, DMac?”

“I heard you talking to Ally last night about being accepted?”

I put the flat iron down and turned to face my friend! “YES!! Our parents said they were okay with Ally and I dating!!!”

“Oh my gosh! That’s amazing!” She says, pulling me into a hugs. “But, ther’s something you should know…”

Ally burst through the door just as Dinah was about to finish her sentence. “SIMON DOESN’T WANT US DATING?!

Dinah nodded. “Yeah…about that…”

“Why not?!” I ask, starting to panick.

“He says it’s not good for the chemistry of the group.”

Ally gasped. “That’s exactly what Lauren told me to her about Camila!”

A wabe of emotions passed through Dinah’s eyes that I couldn’t quite distinguish as she nodded again. “He told me that either you guys have to stop dating or we as a have to break up.”

What?!” Ally screeched. “That’s not fair! I’m goig to call him!”

NO!!” We both look up, confused as to why Dinah sounded so frantic. “I mean…I heard that he was on a flight out here to talk to us…”

Ally sighed, defeated, and I walked over to wrap my arms around her. “It’ll be okay, baby; we’ll fix this.”

“How?!” She asked, close to tears.

“I…I don’t know…but we will.”

Ally’s POV

“Mani, I think I see him! What are we going to do?!” I asked anxiously. We were all waiting for Simon’s plane to come in at the airport and Normani and I were the only ones freaking out.

“Baby, I don’t kow…” She tells me, cupping my face. “But we will get through it…no matter what.” I lifted my head to let my lips quickly touch hers.

“Well, look at the happy couple!!” A deep British voice said from behind us.

I pulled away immediately and swiveled to face Simon. “Uh..I-I thought you didn’t want us together?” Normani asked, notably confused.

“What? Who told you that?!”

We both pivoted to face Dinah who was concentrating incredibly hard on whatever she was doing on her phone. “Dinah?”

“Hmm?!” She lifted her head up, her face turning red when she realized what were talkig about.

“Why did you tell us that Simon didn’t want us dating?!” I asked her.

“I-” She started.

“Wait!” Mani cut it. “Ally, when you came in the room while Dinah was about to tell me the news, you already knew.” I nodded, wondering why it was such a big deal. “Who told you?!”

A/N: So this is like the shortest chapter in the history of short chapters EVER and I'm sorry but there's two more chapters and like I've said before, I just wanted suspense. Soooo comment who you think told Ally because I want to see who you think did it because it matters haha. Sooo yeah comment, vote, and read byeeeeeeeeeeeeee :-) :-P ;-) O:-).

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