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Chapter 35
Thomas's pov
"Order!" One of the teachers screams trying to line everyone up in alphabetical order. The ceremony was about to start and I was getting scared. Newt still hadn't shown up.

My heart was beating out of my chest, for Newt and for my valedictorian speech. In my hands is the speech I've re-read a million times for the teachers, my friends, classmates, ect. But cutting into my skin on my stomach is the speech I am actually going to read. The one I've re-wrote and re-read in front of the mirror a billion times. In this letter I would be telling the truth. The truth that no one wants to here, but everyone needs to. I have no doubt that my father and newts mother won't show up, but I'm praying they will. All I really need is for Newt to be there though.

All the sudden I'm being pushed forward as my fellow graduates one by one in alphabetical order walk out and take a seat. As I approach the door quickly, since Edison is soon in the alphabet, I strain my neck backwards looking for those perfect brown eyes. When I'm about to be pushed out the door; I see them. His cheeks are blotchy, his eyes puffy his hair a mess, but he's never looked more beautiful.

"Newt!" One of the teachers yell. "You only have a minute, we need to get you a hat and robe!" They say grabbing him and pulling him away.

I see Lydia rush over to him, probably to fix his hair and face and for the first time in a month, I allow myself to genuinely smile.

Throughout the ceremony I look back to my beautiful boyfriend every chance I get. He still looks broken and in pain but I can tell seeing me is fixing him, just like seeing him is fixing me. The ceremony goes surprisingly quickly and it's now time for my speech.

"Now I would like to welcome class valedictorian, Thomas Edison!" The principle yells and I turn to look at Newt. His expression is shocked, like many other people.

Everyone thought the valedictorian was gonna be this girl named Harriet. She's been the top of the class for the whole year. But recently with all my AP classes and studying, I bet her out. They gave me the option of doing it and after apologizing several times in advance to Harriet; I took the offer. She still hates me, but I hope my speech changes everything.

I walk up the stairs slowly, afraid I would face plant. This was it. This would either ruin everything, or fix it. No fear Thomas.

"Hello," I swallow hard into the mic, "students, parents, family and my fellow graduates. Many of you already know me, Thomas Edison, but none of you actually know me. In my hand right now is the speech I'm suppose to read to you. But this," I say pulling out the speech under my robe, "is the one I'm going to be reading."

I hear murmurs go through the crowd and I force myself to look up. Everyone looks weary about what's about to come next, but all I need is to see his face. My eyes land right on his. He looks confused, but I also can she he isn't judging. He wants me to go on.

I see teachers frantically trying to get the principal to stop me but he puts a hand out to them telling them to stop. I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Fellow graduates, we made it. Four years of hell but here we are. After this who knows where we'll all go, what the future lies. The people we'd never expect, may surprise us the most. Im not gonna stand here and share everybody's high school experience cause I'm not here to embarrass you all. But you know who you are, and the people you made feel good, and the people you didn't make feel so good. And all though we are moving on from this place, it doesn't erase your past; but that doesn't mean you can't be forgiven. I learnt that from someone really close to me." I say scanning the crowed. My eyes caught Newts and I smiled.

"My whole life, I never thought I had purpose. I thought that I was here to keep my little sister safe until she was a little older and then I would go be with my mom up in heaven. It's crazy how one person can change everything." I look up once again but then my breath hitches in my throat. Newts mother and Malia are sitting in the crowd. I look everywhere to find my dad... And then I see him. He's standing in the very back right by the doors. He must have just got here. Even from the front though I can tell he's drunk.

"I'm not gonna even try to not tell you he's a boy, or not tell you his name because I want the whole world to know; I'm in love with Newt Isaac. And it should be that easy. For me to tell the world that. But it's not." I look to newts mom and she looks... Understanding. When I look to my dad though all I see his pure hatred. I can't turn back now.

"His mother and my father are dating. And for the past year, newt and I had to pretend that we weren't in love. It's killed both of us in ways no one will ever really understand. It felt like loosing the other half of me. But I know we will be together; because that's what I want. So I'm here to tell you that high school is over. And all that matters now is what you want, so go and get it, fight for it, work for it. Because one day I'm going to marry Newton Isaac and everything that happened in high school isn't gonna matter; because I got what I wanted." I finish and take a deep breath. The whole auditorium is complete and utter silence. Then Newts mom claps and the whole auditorium explodes into cheering and clapping. Newt runs from his chair up to the stage and jumps on me.

"God I love you so shucking much Thomas Edison." He says forcing his lips on mine.

"I love you too Newt Edison."

A/N I wanted this to be a lot better and longer but I just started writing and wasn't feeling it so oh well

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