Aching for you

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Chapter 33
Thomas and Newt had never even thought of their parents reactions if they ever found out; but what they thought, would have never measured up to how they reacted.

"What is this?" Alison, Newts mother ,had croaked.

When Thomas looked over and saw the broken look on Newts face, he considered lying. "I was teaching Newt how to kiss. I'm sorry, I know it was wrong." Was what he could've said, but he didn't. He was tired of lying and hiding that he was in love with Newt; so he wouldn't anymore.

Thomas looked over to Newt in reassurance and he nodded grabbing Thomas's hand.

"Me and Newt are in love." Thomas says squeezing Newts hand tight in fear. Their parents stare at them in silence.

"No you are not! You are brothers, that's revolting." Scott screams. The response leaves Thomas in tears.

"Dad," Thomas cries, "I'm in love with him. Every inch of him and I always will be."

"No, you love him, as a brother. And from now on that's all there is too it. Now go to your room." He yells loudly.

With tears running down both of their faces they head upstairs but Scott stops Newt.

"No. From now on you will be sleeping down stairs again, in your own room."

"Mom." Newt had croaked, talking for the first time. She didn't look up so he took a step forward but she immediately took a step back.

"Go newt... Just go." She ordered. Newt saw the disappointment in her eyes and nothing hurt more. She was the only family he had left, and he might of just lost her. With one last trembling look, Newt found the tear filled eyes of his love and mouthed I love you. Thomas, just as broken as Newt, mouthed it back and then with both their hearts falling into a black abyss, they walked to their rooms.


Nothing got better from there. From now on Thomas was to leave with his dad for work and he would drop him off at school. He had to go to the library and study for a hour before school started. He was out of the house before Newt even woke up.

The night that everything went down, Newt woke up at 3am to go see Thomas but when he got to the middle floor, Thomas's dad was sitting there in the living room. He had noticed Newt and sprung to his feet lunging at Him. He reeked of  alcohol in his breath and fear filled Newts mind.

"You. You did this. This is all your fault! You son of bitch brain washed my son!" He had yelled holding him by his collar.

"Don't talk about my mom like that!" Newt yelled back in a small moment of bravery. But Scott just retaliated by throwing him to ground. Pain scorched through his leg with a limp and he dared not to cry. Scott had just walked away and Newt has been to afraid to sneak upstairs anymore.

This is the seventh morning since that night and his mother still hasn't talked to him. Everyday she drove him to school in complete silence and never bid a goodbye. Home life was just the first of it.

Talking to each other at school wasn't even an option. Thomas has a perfect GPA so he got moved to all AP classes. His father also got the teachers involved and said under no circumstances can Thomas and Newt be caught talking to each other. They sent messages to each other through their friends (their phones were taken away) telling the other they love them and to stay strong but other then that all they really got were quick glances in the hall. After school, Newt now had a job delivering pizzas and Thomas had to tutor people. Thomas got home at 7:30, got supper and then was sent to his room. Newt got home at 8:00, but usually went straight to bed. He never wanted to eat anymore.

His depression had quickly come back after the separation between them and only continued to get worse. His anti depressants were gone and his mom was to mad at him to notice. He ached for Thomas's strong embrace, encouraging words and soft kiss. Just like Thomas ached to feel Newts smaller hands in his, to hear his beautiful accent and to cuddle into the 3 month older boy.

But Scott was persistent on keeping these rules. Keeping the lovers apart. The distance between the boys tore them to shreds. You hardly ever saw them smile and from the middle floor of the house you could hear the faint sound of them both crying themselves to sleep. Slowly the month rolled by and Newt and Thomas found themselves depressingly getting ready for their graduation of high school.

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