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Chapter 6 
Newts pov
I woke up to someone squeezing my hand.

"Newt are you awake?" I hear Thomas's voice.

I nod.

"Our parents are gonna be home soon and I figured you didn't want to explain to them what happened just as much as I didn't."

"You are right. But what do we do?"

"Let's just go up to our room, you can stay there all evening, just say it was a hard first day of school and you want to sleep, and I have a lock on my door just incase."

"Okay perfect. Thanks for helping me Tommy, with everything." I smile.

"No problem," he smiles, "what are brothers for." He adds. For some reason that statement hurt a lot, I don't know why.

I just fake smile and I can tell he fake smiles back.

__time skip__
I have been in our room for 3 hours now, it is 8:00. Thomas hasn't even came in once, I have no clue where he his, he was suppose to come back to finish cleaning me up.

I haven't ate since breakfast and I am starving but if I go get food my mom will see the bruises. I also never got Tommy's phone number so I can't text him.

I sigh lying on the bed, I am in so much pain and I am starving, I don't know how much longer I can take it.

Half an hour later I hear a knock on the door, I groan, they knock again. I have no clue who it is, I'm praying that it is Thomas.

"W-who" I try to speak but it hurts so I end up wincing again.

I can't do this anymore, I need help, I need my mom.

I stand up and steady myself on the bed, I attempt to walk but my leg gives out and I tumble to the found yelping in pain.

"Newt are you okay?! Open the door please Newt please!" I hear Thomas's voice.

"It hurts Tommy." I breathe out.

"Okay one second Newt I have a spare key for my room down stairs." He says.

10 seconds later Thomas bursts through the door and kneels down beside me on the ground.

"Newt oh my god baby." He covers his mouth right after the words leave.

"I'm sorry, I, it just came out, I-" He frantically find words to say but I stop him, "it's fine Tommy," I smile, "just help me please."

"Right." He nods lifting me up onto the bed and then locking the door once again.

He gets a whole bunch of ice packs and put them all over my body, I winces at how cold it is.

"You can't go to school tomorrow like this." He says.

"I have to, I have to apologize to the people, I need them to forgive me."

"Newt you can on Wednesday, they are not going anywhere." He sighs.

"Fine, but our parents are never gonna let us." I reply.

"That's why we don't tell them."

Thomas's pov
Last night I gave Newt the bed and I slept on the couch. I really just wanted to lay with him, in a brotherly way of course, but I didn't know if Newt was ready for that or not
even though he has finally opened up to me.

Right now our parents just left for work and they took Malia to drop her off at kindergarten. Me and Newt are just laying on the couch.

"So, what are we gonna do today." Newt asks with his cute British accent that I still haven't been able to get over.

"I don't know, do you have the strength to walk now, or do you just wanna have like a movie day?"

"I think I have the strength to do something, but you might have to carry me at some points." He giggles at the end. That is the first time I heard him laugh since he's got here and it was honestly like music to my ears.

"That's fine I've done it plenty times since you got here." I say making him blush.

"First tell me about yourself Tommy." Newt says.

"What do you want to know."

"Everything." He smiles.

"Okay well I was born I in New York City, grew up in Springfield Township, New Jersey. I played baseball all my life, my all time favourite team to this day being the Mets. When I was 12 Malia was born. My mom, she, she died giving birth to Malia. It really hit my dad hard, they were the most in love couple I have ever seen. The same year my mom died we moved to California because my dad got a new job. He had to work every day, right from early morning, to late night. Which meant I had to take care of Malia. I had to quit baseball, my grades dropped, I lost all my friends, the only person I had was Malia. Then my dad met your mom, he became more hard working got a amazing paying job, he was more happy, he found a babysitter to watch Malia, and finally everything started to turn around. My dad wanted to make it up to me for the hard years he put me through so he got me a whole bunch of new things, and try's to be the best dad he can. I made new friends, who I hang out with everyday to this day, and my best friend Minho. And now I have you." I smile at him. I leave the part that I am gay out, I mean it doesn't matter anyway, right?

"I am sorry for calling you spoiled." Newt looks down and fiddles with his hands.

"Hey," I say grabbing his hand, "it's fine. I am spoiled, I just wasn't always."

He nods.

"So Cutie Newtie, tell me about yourself." He laughs at my nick name for him.

"Well I already told you about my dad and Theresa. What else do you want to know." He asks shyly, which was incredibly adorable.

"Everything." I smile causing him to smile too.

"Well, I really love art. Not just the type of art where you paint but music too, I believe it's all art. I can play the bass and guitar, the guitar left and right handed, and I also play the drums. I never really played many sports, but I love playing them anyway. Im really competitive, I love cliche things, I cry watching romance movies, and if you treat me right I will love you forever." Newt rambles.

I smile, "I promise you are gonna love me forever." He blushes like crazy at that.

"We'll see." He says smirking causing me to blush.

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