Date night

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Chapter 31
Thomas's pov
*2 months later*
In one month exactly, me and Newt would be graduating from high school. I don't know what was in store for us but I knew we would always be together. My love for that boy grew everyday and I couldn't see myself with anyone else.

The past two months have been amazing. Newts depression has been getting better over the past months and he's been cut free for awhile now. He came out to his mom that he's gay and she was extremely accepting. The only part that sucked was that he couldn't tell her who he was dating.

My father and Newts mom have been really distant lately and I know it's selfish of me to think but I just want them to break up. I'm tired of hiding my love for Newt from the people I care about most.

Minho thinks we should just tell them. "What's the worst that could happen? They break up and you don't have to sneak behind there back anymore." But we all know it could be worse then that. What if they find out and Newts mom decides to move him back to London. I can't risk loosing him. And I know he doesn't wanna risk loosing me.

"Hello beautiful, ready for out date?" Newt says sitting on my lap.

"Of course my love. Can't wait to see what you have planned." I smile planting a light kiss upon his lips.

"Well then let's go." He smiles.

_________ (if you want to retread the first date it's chapter 14)

"How'd you know?" I smile.

"I listen more then you think." He winks and I smile thinking about our first date were we said the same words just in reverse. It seems like a million ages ago but it was really just 8 months ago. It's crazy how little time can change everything.

We walk in hand in hand to my favourite restaurant. We gets glares from people and it makes me laugh at how similar this all is to our first date.

"Reservation for Isaac." Newt cheeses. I laugh at the idiot. My idiot.

We get to our table and sit down. It's very reserved (and romantic) away from the other tables so we don't have to deal with the dirty looks from other people. It's 2016 like come on people, being gay doesn't make us aliens.

We just talk and enjoy ourselves as we wait for our waitress to take our order.

"Oh my shuck. You've got to be kidding me." Newt grumbles under his breath. I laugh at his foul language and then look to see what exactly he was swearing at.

When I turn and see the waitress Miley from our first date I can't help but burst out laughing. What a coincidence. Newt glares at me and I blow him a kiss.

"Hello may I take your orderoooooh hiiiiii." She turns to me when she notices who I was.

"Hi." I say and smile. I was just being polite but at the same time I really wanted to see jealous Newt. It was hot as shuck.

"What a coincidence to see you here." She leans on the table showing her boobs.

"Yeah isn't it. What happened to your other job at the other restaurant?" I ask.

"Wait," newt interrupts, "let me guess. You got fired for shoving your boobs in every customers face." Newt smiles innocently and I can't help but feel turned on. Anyone would. He's straight fire.

"No actually, only for shoving them in this hotties face." She says turning to me. I feel bad for her, she must embarrass herself a lot.

I can basically feel Newts anger radiating off him so I grab his hand under the table. It's very clenched at first but then he slowly loosens his grip.

"I'll have a water." I say.

"And I'll have a chocolate milk." Newt follows and I smirk at him.

"A little childish isn't that Newt?"

"I guess it grew on me, you kinda did to." He smirks at me and I laugh.

We both then placed our food order and without saying anything Miley walks away.

"Someone's a little jealous." I joke to Newt.

"Someone's a little slutty." He growls.

"You love it." I joke.

"Oh just shut up Tommy."

The restaurant had started getting really busy so a different waitress served us our food and then cleaned up after us. But just our luck Miley was the one who brought us our bill. Before she had time to talk Newt spoke up.

"You know, I've been thinking. It is such a coincidence we saw you here. Because the first time we saw you, he was gay, I was gay, we were on a date, he was my boyfriend, and we were madly in love. And oh what a coincidence we still are!" He smiles at Miley and she smiles back.

"I know right, it's like déjà vu. The first time your boyfriend was checking me out, and he is this time to!" Oh no. This was not gonna be good, I could see Newt ready to punch her.

"Well this was fun and all but I'm pretty sure the night ends with me and my boyfriend leaving together. I mean that's what happened last time. Bill please." Newt snaps in her face.

I wanna step in and stop this but I know Newt will say I was standing up for her so I stay out of it. For now.

"I'm sure your gentlemen boyfriend will pay for it." She says trying to hand it to me but newt snatches it from her hand.

"Wow, your number! Very original. I'm pretty sure that's #2 on what slutty waitresses do, right after being a slut." Newt says ripping the bill in half and then walking up to the place you pay. I follow behind him and Miley follows behind me.

"Sorry, our bill kind of got ruined after your slutty waitress waved her boobs in my boy friends face and then wrote her number on the bill. But I can tell you what we ordered." He says venom laced in his voice.

"Sir I'm so very sorry for the service, it will never happen again. The meal is on us." The lady says looking over at Miley and glaring.

"Thank you." Newt says and then grabs my hand and pulls me out of the restaurant.

While we are getting in the car I see the lady telling Miley she's fired and she bursts into tears.

"Newt." I sigh.

"Don't Thomas. Just don't."

My heart aches at the name but I stay quiet.

This was not the kind of jealous Newt I liked.

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