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You called Justin and he answered.

J: What's up.

Y: Uhh... Did you watch TMZ today?

J: No why?

Y: Well you see.... They caught us kissing last night and now It's official on TV.

J: What's so bad about it?

Y: Your not mad?

J: Of course not! I don't want to secretly date. It doesn't even feel like a relationship if we secretly date.

Y: Okay good. I thought you'd be mad.

J: Well paparazzi's can be a pain in the a** but this time it doesn't matter to me.

Y: Okay I feel way better now. Anyway sorry to disturb your singing time.

J: No it's fine it's nothing important anyway.

Y: Okay I guess I'll see you tonight.

J: Tonight it is.

Y: K bye.

J: Bye.

After you hung up you've never felt more relieved. You thought that he'll be ticked off. As you laid on the couch relaxing your phone started to ring. It was an unknown number but you still answered it.

Y: Hello?

U: I hear that your dating Justin.

Y: Um yeah. Who is this?

U: You don't need to know.

Y: Actually I have every right to know considering you called my phone.

U: Like I said you don't need to know and by the way you look hot in them shorts. Bye _____.

After that the line went dead. You were freaking out that this person knows exactly what your wearing. You ran upstairs to your moms room. Your face just spelled freaked out. Your mom was laying on the bed reading a magazine.

M: What's wrong hon?

Y: I think I have a stalker on my hands.

M: What are you talking about?

Y: A random guy with a scary voice called my phone asking if I was dating Justin.

M: And?

Y: And after that he said exactly what I was wearing and then hung up.

M: Oh my gosh. You should call Justin and tell him.

Y: Why? This stalker might still be outside right now looking through the windows. Justin can't do anything about it an now I'm scared.

M: Okay okay calm down sweetheart okay?

Y: I can't this dude is probably a killer.

M: I don't know what to do hon.

Y: Where's Usher?

M: He's with Justin.

Y: Crap!

M: Let's just stay in here until they come back and when they do...

Right as your mom was gonna finish your phone rang. It was a text. You couldn't help but to jump considering that you have a stalker now.

M: Who is that?

Y: It's from the stalker.

M: What did he say?

Y: He said that you have a nice room.

When you said that your moms face turned pale.

She was starting to shake and sweat. You got nervous too just by looking at her. You got off the bed and slowly looked out the window and you saw a tall guy in a big black jacket with the hood up staring at you. Your eyes started to water. You quickly jumped on the bed and curled up next to your mom.

Fame, Drama, and Justin (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now