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Justin's POV:

*Three days later*

"SCOOTER, WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I I yelled, trying to pull him out of bed. "WE HAVE TO GO TO COURT!"

Okay, this is completely backwards. Usually, I'm the one getting dragged out of bed by Scooter. Pretty ironic.

"JUSTIN, CALM DOWN!" Scooter yelled back while getting up.

"I don't know if you didn't realize this, Scooter, but I actually have a girlfriend. WHO HAS COURT TODAY!" I explained.

"I don't know if you didn't realize this, Justin, but your not even dressed to go to court." He said calmly, pointing at my body.

I looked down and noticed I was wearing only my boxers. I scratched my head awkwardly.

"Well, I can easily get ready." With that, I left the room and went in my room.

I went in my walk in closet and grabbed a pair of black jeans and a white T-shirt. No, wait a minute. I'm going to court. I should dress more properly. I tossed the outfit aside and grabbed a black suit and put it on. I grabbed a black tie and tied it around my neck.

"SCOOTER!" I yelled, going back to his room. He was fully dressed.

"Justin, calm the fuck down. Geez! Ever since YN's been in jail, you've been going crazy." He said, putting his jacket on.

"No I haven't." I said, looking in the mirror and checked myself.

"Yes, you have. You barely eat, sleep, or even talk. You just sat in your room all day everyday." Scooter added.

"Whatever." I muttered.

"Let's go, drama queen." He muttered the last part.

"What was that?" I questioned, following him out the door.

"Nothing." He said in annoyance.

"Before we go to court, we need to pick up Diamond." I informed him.

"Why?" He asked.

"That's YN's sister, Scooter." I said with a slight attitude. "Plus, she doesn't ride."

"I know that she wants to see her sister, Justin. I just thought that you gave her one of your cars." He said, slightly offended.

"Oh. My bad."


After we picked up Diamond, we headed straight to court. Of course when we got out, the paparazzi's were surrounding us.

"Just ignore them." I muttered to Diamond. She nodded in response. I don't think that she's dealt with them before.

We passed through them and walked in the building. The front desk lady told us to wait in the waiting room.

"This is bullshit." Diamond spat, sitting down on one of the seats and crossing her leg over the other.

"Calm down, Diamond. It's only ten minutes." I said, sitting down next to her.

"I want my sis out of there. NOW! Not in ten minutes." She sighed.

"It's going to be okay." I put my hand on her knee. She looked at my hand then in my eyes.

"It better." She muttered.

"It will. I promise." I said.

After we waited ten minutes, a cop escorted us to the court room. When I first walked in, there was people sitting in the back, and I saw YN standing next to my lawyer in an orange jumpsuit with a frown on her face. It breaks my heart seeing her like that.

Fame, Drama, and Justin (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now