A Party?

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Annabeth's POV

I wake up this morning and remember that yesterday, I went on a date with Percy. I smile as I walk out of Piper's bed and head over to her bathroom. Piper is still sleeping so I try and be as quiet as possible. After brushing my teeth and putting my wavy and messy hair into a messy bun, I walk back into Piper's bedroom and into her closet. I look around at the clothes in her closet and frown because I realize Piper and I do not have the same style of clothing. Since Piper loves fashion though, I am able to find some clothes that are more my style. I wait for Piper to come out of the bathroom and then I go and get changed. I take a look in the mirror and admire my choice of clothing considering nothing in her closet was my style. I chose to wear a pair of high waisted jeans and a black crop top with a sweater on top. Then, I walk back to Piper's room and grab a pair of her black converse just as she walks out of her closet wearing a white jeans and a pink crop top. 

As Piper sits in front of her desk and begins to put on her makeup, she asks me more questions about the date and wants all of the details. After I finish answering her questions, she does the rest of her makeup and we head downstairs. After an amazing breakfast of waffles and whipped cream, Piper and I climb into her car and leave for school. 

At school

When we get to school, Piper and I walk over to the spot that we always meet the rest f our group. When we get there, Percy gives me a smile and puts his arm around me while I stand there which causes me to blush.

"Hey", I say to all of them. I guess they already know that Percy and I are dating because they all just say hi back. Although I can see Piper and Hazel giggling with each other in the group.. 

"I hear your date last night went amazing", Leo says with a smirk on his face. Hazel gives him a playful push on his arm as if to say Hey, cut it out. You're embarrassing them.  I can feel my face getting hot from that remark but a small smile does creep onto my face. The bell rings and kids all around us start scrambling to get to class. I say bye to everyone and we all go our separate ways. As I walk down the hallway, I feel someone pull on my arm and I turn around and realize it was Percy.  

He pulls me in towards him and leans down to kiss my forehead.  

"I'll see you in math", I tell him, with a smile on my face

"See you then", he tells me and gives me a wink as he turns and walks the other way. 

I quickly run to my locker to get my books and hurry to class, the entire time, having  big smile on my face. I can't believe I actually have a boyfriend. 

During Lunch

I had a pretty good morning so far, I think to myself as I walk down the hall to the cafeteria. Clarissa wasn't in class which probably means she skipped and I didn't see her at all in the hallways. I walk to my locker to grab my lunch and then continue pushing through the crowds of people to get to the cafeteria. Since I slept over at Piper's, her maid made me a lunch and it was better than any lunch I've ever had. I walk into the cafeteria and head to our usual table and sit down beside Percy.  

"Hey", he says to me and I reply back with a hey

"How was your morning? Did Clarisse and Silena bother you?", he asks me with a really concerned look on his face. I laughed at how protective he was being. 

"I actually didn't see them. I wonder why because I know that they're at school today", I tell him.

Right then, I hear a loud whistle and when I turn around, I see Clarisse, standing on top of a cafeteria table. 

"Listen up, everyone", she yells, "I'm having a party at my house tomorrow night. Everyone is invited. Even you losers", she says pointing you us when she says that last sentence.

I couldn't believe that she called us losers in front of everyone. I wonder why she wants us at her party. She was so mean to me but now she wants me to go to her house and hang out with her?

"Annabeth?", I hear Percy ask me, "Are you going to the party?"

"I don't know", I tell him with a confused look on my face. "It depends if you guys are going"

"We're all going, Annabeth", Piper tells me, "You have to come with us". 

"Fine. I'll come", I tell them. I finish the rest of my lunch laughing and talking with my friends. I can't wait to see what we were going to do at this party. 

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