Meeting Percy

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Annabeth's POV

My alarm clock goes off and with a groan, I turn over onto my back and turn it off. I get out of my bed and stretch and immediately start getting ready. I tiredly walk to the bathroom and almost fall over one of Bobby's toy cars. I brush my teeth and then pull my curly blonde hair into a ponytail. I walk back to my bedroom and stand in my closet, contemplating what to wear. After trying on several different outfits, I settle with a pair of leggings and a big sweatshirt. I walk down the stairs as quietly as I can so I don't wake anyone up and make my lunch

After I make my lunch, I grab my backpack and put on my adidas shoes and start walking to Piper's house. The air outside is muggy and the sky is dark grey. I hurry and walk over to Piper's before it starts raining. I always go to Piper's house for breakfast because her dad is really rich and everyday, they have an entire buffet of food. Piper knows how my mother is so she always invites me over for breakfast so I don't have to spend any more time with my mother than I have to. I walk up Piper's front steps of her huge mansion and Piper answers the door wearing a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt.

"Hey Piper", I say with a smile on my face.

"Hey Annabeth. Come in", she replies

I follow Piper down her huge marble hallway and into her kitchen. Piper's house is huge and it's extremely easy to get lost in it. I sit down at the long marble table beside Piper and her chef comes right over and puts a huge stack of fluffy pancakes in front of each of us as wells as a mountain of whipped cream on top of the pile. I eat my pancakes and talk to Piper about school until we're both done. 

When we finish, I go upstairs with Piper and wait for her while she finishes her makeup and grabs her backpack.  

"So who's the new kid?", I ask Piper as we're driving on our way to school. As soon as Piper turned 16, her dad bought her a car so that's how we get to school every morning. 

"I don't know but I heard he's really hot", she laughs and gives me a smirk. 

I laugh just as we pull into a parking spot and get out of the car.  We walk inside and I head to my locker to get my books for class. I'm getting my books from my locker when I see a person come up beside me and I know exactly who it is. Clarisse.

"Hi Annabeth", Clarisse says with an evil smile on her face.

"What do you want Clarisse?", I ask. I'm so tired of Clarisse bullying me but I know that she'll never stop. 

"I want you to know that you aren't cool and your ugly", she says with a smile on her face. A bunch of people in the hallway are now silent and are listening to her make fun of me. I hear some laughs and snickers from the crowd but I try and ignore them. 

I put my head down and close my locker so I can leave . As I'm walking away, Clarisse kicks me in the back of my leg and I fall on the floor just as a I feel a sharp pain shoot up my neck again from my previous injury. I look up from the floor and I see a whole crowd of kids standing around me and laughing. The bell rings and I scramble to get up and pick up my books so I can get to class.

"Hey", I hear a deep boy's voice say, "Are you okay? I saw what that girl did to you"

I look up at the person who's talking to me and I immediately blush after seeing his perfect sea green eyes and flowy dark hair. He kneels down beside me before I can answer and helps me pick up my books. 

"Ummm", I reply, suddenly I'm at a loss of words, "I'm okay. I guess. I have to go to class"

"My name's Percy Jackson. I'm new here. What's your name?"

"I'm Annabeth. I have to get to class"

"But-", I hear Percy say. 

I quickly run off towards my class leaving Percy alone in the middle of the hallway. On my way to class, I can't help but think about him. His dark hair and his sea green eyes that looked perfect. His perfect body that was skinny but still muscular, not to mention his incredible height. He was perfect. I quickly put away the thought as I'm running to class but I can't help it when a smile creeps onto my face. 

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